If last month's update was 'fairly significant' update, this month's update is a metric ton of progress.
Obviously, to get to this post, you have likely noticed a shift in the layout of the site if you're a regular visitor. Here's a summary of what has been updated and changed:
Side Blocks - You'll have noticed that all of the side blocks have now moved to the left-hand side, and that there are fewer than before. The Articles and User Profile blocks have been merged into the top navigation to combine some functionality and optimize page code. The Recent Posts block actually has been expanded into its own thing; more on that below.
User Navigation - Members will notice a significant change to the upper greeting area (guests will see a small spot asking them to log in). The functionality of the User Profile block has been integrated here, to streamline coding for future projects. This includes private messaging links and their popup notifications, as well as the Recent Posts links - more on those below.
Main Navigation - The main menu bar of the site has also received some of the same enhancements, with improved functionality on the backend being the focus. Articles are now a part of the main navigation. You'll also note that the main bar has been split - with site areas and locations focused on the left and user profile and options on the right.
Recent Posts - One of the largest things that was asked for after our last few updates has been a split Recent Posts ability: To see GuildNet Forum Posts independent of the rest of the sites posts, keeping it easier to identify private posts and public ones. Well, it has been achieved. The Recent Post links up in the user section now display more information about the most recent posts you're looking for as well as only show the categories you've specified. Recent Posts will now tell you what forum the post was made in, as well as most information you enjoy from a standard board view: views, replies, and the starter of the thread.
GuildNet - The GuildNet index has been re-optimized to allow for more flexibility and options for you users to put in for. Among the new options that will be available are the ability to have the GuildNet index link directly to your Guild Site instead of a recruitment page, to have a recruitment page without a Guild Group or Guild Board, and to have the index link directly to your recruitment thread if you so choose. Our aim has always been to build the GuildNet as an open tool for everyone on the Begeren Colony server to use, and these updates help make the tool more friendly to those who do not primarily use BC.org.
Affiliations - We now have a system in place that will allow us to 'partner' with other interested sites to promote one another in a dynamic way on BC.org. We think it's pretty awesome, but it's a little hard to show off until we get a partner to put into the system. Look for more information when that happens.
GuildNet App - Mentioned separately from the GuildNet proper due to its size, but also because of a delay. The GuildNet App changes are currently being bugtested and will be put into place on the 1st. Aside from being updated to reflect the new options our GuildNet system offers, the App will also now serve as a way to update information and make requests of the Admins in a more automated manner. This should allow things to be easier to track and also provide a real way for users to be able to put in suggestions or recommendations as well as questions for unusual help or implementation rather than having to wait on a singular person to return a PM. This was the first of a major step that will allow us to expand GuildNet options in the future.
So that's that. Lots of stuff put in there, and still more to come. A few of the things we're working on bringing in on our next update are Announcement capabilities to allow users to promote events and good threads, integrating calendars into GuildNet, and the elusive Bounty Board.