It's been a minute since my last post, here. As you might suspect from the dates, this is greatly due to the big, recent 4.0 release, for SWTOR. As 1 of 2 people in the JEDl community's number-2 spot, yours truly has many, many obligations and responsibilities, in addition to the want to explore the new content. Things have begun to simmer down, though, so I'd greatly enjoy resuming my "refined" recap of this great series; The original on our internal community's site is quite crude, by comparison.
Since one of the Crusade's events was cancelled per mechanics, the next three events were all battles. I thought to combine them all into one post, since only the last one features any owPvP - and only on a small scale.Battles of Voss and Ilum, Alderaan and Quesh, and Corellia
The following battles were our first tastes of both defeat, as well as owPvP. There was another event to occur between two of these battles, but it was discovered that a game-mechanic was incomplete or needed much more preparation than I was okay with having a group do, in the span of a single event.
The first of these three battles was the Battle of Voss and Ilum, which went off without a hitch. Since the Voss commander had gone down so quickly and easily, Ilum had been added spontaneously. This battle took place on the evening of Wednesday 05AUG2015. By now, the process of hitting a commander was mostly stream-lined: survey the field, position the commander, take him down!Spoiler: Surveying the Field show Next, we positioned the Commander, and struck at him hard!Spoiler: Commander Positioning show And finally, our reward and a little bit of poking into the enemy's base.Spoiler: Republic Victory! show Then, it was time for a *slight* change in climate: from warm Autumn weather, to dead-of-winter on an embattled world.Spoiler: Just a LITTLE colder.... show With two Commanders down, we called it a day. Our victory-streak was about to be rudely broken, however....
Next, on Saturday 08AUG2015, the Blue Jedi Crusade struck at it's next targets: Planets Alderaan and Quesh. Just as in the last battle, the environment between the two worlds was somewhat.... noticeable.Spoiler: Alderaan Defeat show I would have taken more screenshots, but this assault had NOT gone well, for us; This is about the only shot I got, of our two attempts at the named Commander. However, I was inclined to take many more screenshots, while we assaulted our second target, on Quesh.Spoiler: Surveying and Positioning show We were much-more careful, having faced being repelled at Alderaan. Here, the Quesh Commander received the brunt of our resentment!Spoiler: Revenge.... On someone else show Satisfied with at least a partial victory on the day, the Crusaders took our plunder, and departed. We would eventually return to Alderaan - and with much better results!
The next day, Sunday 09AUG2015, we would encounter our first taste of owPvP. While the fight wasn't big, nor grand, I *do* credit the screenshots garnered from this battle to have inspired the heavy involvement of the Sith-half of our community, in many of the battles to come. The battle started rather slowly, and we were looking forward to an easy take-down, of the Commander. However, we'd been spotted, on our way to him - and were caught, in the midst of our battle, with him!Spoiler: Initially Some Easy Going show Soon, imperial reinforcements of another kind arrived, to assist their NPC bretheren....Spoiler: Imperial Reinforcements Arrive on the Field show We faced fierce and well-prepared enemies, against this group of Imperial players. Their gear outmatched our own - but we weren't about to give up! We tried several different approaches, including flanking, surrounding them, and even attempts at separating one or two of them, from the others.Spoiler: Tactics Change show After several attempts, though, we'd decided to call it an Imperial victory. While a loss, it didn't much feel that way, to those in-attendance; They were happy to have fought some Sith and gained some owPvP kills, on the day - the first such opportunity the series had afforded them. The fighting wasn't bad, though the Imperials certainly had our number!Spoiler: Imperial Victory show At this point in the series, I'd started to worry that we might not inspire any owPvP. Even herein, the scale had not been very large. However, it proved okay in versus-numbers, for our group's composition, this night. As such, I was very quick to recap this event, and spread screenshots of it, all over JEDl's community forums. Immediately, the Sith officers were very interested - especially the PvP clan of our Mandalorian guild, which received quite the boost, in this era.
I yearned for more battles like this, and was about to be blown away, by the numbers that the very next battle would come to draw - and not just from our own community's guilds! Keep reading as I keep posting - you're about to be treated to the part of the Crusade where the owPvP really began to prosper and grow.Thanks to the imperial players that we encountered, this day; Without you, our event would have been quite bland, by comparison. The next event was a recorded video of a Jedi Ritual - but the very next battle was quite probably the largest of the entire war-series!