Give-away list updated on 11/11/17 -- all new items bolded. All of the items listed in this anchor post are still up for grabs! I will continue to strikeout items as they are given away. If you'd like any of these (including multiples) just reply here or send me a PM with the in-game name of the character you'd like the item(s) mailed to (be sure to include their faction). If there are any special characters in your name, please also give me the alt+ code to type them.
Because the hoard is spread over so many cargo holds, it would be too much to try to catalog it all at once, so I'm going to do a couple posts and break them up by item category.
In this post we have Pets, Color Crystals, and Toys:
Albino Bolraida x2
Arctic Thranta x1
Black Womp Weasel x2
Blue Speckled Gizka x1
Brown Womp Weasel x1
C3-KR Probe Droid x1
Carbonite Frozen Kowakian Monkeylizard x3
Cartel MJ-52 Mini Probe x1
Coastal Thranta x2
Cyberlamp Mewvorr x5 x4
Czerka EW-94 Miniprobe x6 x5 x4
Ebon-Wing Flutterplume x1
Eternal Miniprobe x1
Fiery Grophet x1
Fire-Bellied Vrblet x1
Forest Lizardbat x1
Glittering Varactyl x1
Golden Lizardbat x1
Grand Varactyl x1
Greenback Exoboar x2
Green-Backed Vrblet x2
GS-1 Sentry Droid x2
Hinterland Flutterplume x4
Hoarfrost Exoboar x2
Hooded Blurg x2
Imperial LE-34 Miniprobe x6
Iridescent Lizardbat x1
Ivory Mouse Horranth x1
Juvenile Dusk Acklay x1
Juvenile Nathema Spawn x1
Killik Assassin Larva x1
Killik Drone Larva x3 x2 x1
L1-L War Machine x2 x1
Low Atmosphere Miniprobe x1
Lunar Wriggler x3 x2
Majestic Varactyl x1
Masked Lobel x1
Mesa Ginx x2
Micro-Defender Droid x1
Micro-Patroller Droid x1
Minimech CM-12 x1
Model B-5 Decimus x1
Model B4-D Legion x1
Model Eternal Flagship x1
Model Formal Balloon x1
Model Manaan Submarine x1
Model Red Hutt Barge x2
Model Sandcrawler x3 x2 x1
Model F-T6 Rycer x1
Model FT-2 Quell x1
Model FT-3C Imperium x2
Model FT-7B Clarion x1
Model FT-8 Starguard x1
Model GSS-4Y Jurgoran x1
Model GSS-5C Dustmaker x1
Model Sledgehammer x2 x1
Model SGS-S1 Condor x8 x7 x6
Model SGS-45 Quarrel x1
Model Spearpoint x6 x5 x4 x3
Model VX-5 Ricker x1
Mossrankle Blurrg x8
Mossy Mouse Horranth x1
Mountain Drouk x7
Mountain Lizardbat x1
Nightmare Kell Drake x2
Painted Akk Dog x2
Pale Skarkla x5
Phantom Vrake x2
Poison Lobel x1
Poisonous Kell Drake x1
R1-H5 Astromech Droid x2
Ruby Vrblet x4
Rusty Vrblet x2
Skull-Faced Lobel x1
Slate Mouse Horranth x2
Slateshard Lylek x1
Speckled Blurrg x2
Splotched Gizka x1
Snowline Vorn Tiger x1
Stellar Wriggler x3
Stormcloud Flutterplume x1
Sublime Blurrg x1
Sub-Zero Miniprobe x2 x1
Terentatek Hatchling x2
Tropical Grophet x2
Vigilant Miniprobe x1
Waspback Gizka x1
War Hound x4
Wasteland Nexu x1
White Womp Weasel x1
Woodland Vorn Tiger x1
Zakuul Minimech x2 x1
Zakuul Miniprobe x1
Color Crystals (all "Advanced")
Almond-Blue Hawkeye x4
Almond-Blue Indestrucbile x1
Almond-Blue War Hero x3
Almond-Blue Eviscerating x1
Blue Outline Hawkeye x1
Blue Outline Indestructible x4
Blue Outline Eviscerating x1
Sea Green Indestructible x2 x1
Sea Green Hawkeye x1
Sea Green War Hero x4 x3 x2
Desert Green Indestructible x1
Desert Green War Hero x2
Desert Green Eviscerating x5 x3 x2
Desert Green Hawkeye x1
Farmhand Blue Hawkeye x2 x1
Farmhand Blue War Hero x1
Turquoise Indestructible x3
Turquoise Eviscerating x3
Fuschia War Hero x2
Fuschia Indestructible x1
Imperial Crimson Indestructible x1
Imperial Crimson Hawkeye x4x3 x2
Imperial Crimson War Hero x3
Imperial Crimson Eviscerating x1
Yellow Gold Eviscerating x3
Yellow Gold Hawkeye x3
Yellow Gold Indestructible x3
Ice Blue Eviscerating x1
Ice Blue Hawkeye x4
Ice Blue Indestructible x1
Ice Blue War Hero x3
Gold Core Eviscerating x1
Gold Core Indestructible x2
Tythian Flame Hawkeye x3
Tythian Flame Indestructible x2
Tythian Flame War Hero x1
Mystic Hazel Hawkeye x2
Mystic Hazel Eviscerating x2
Mystic Hazel War Hero x3
Soft Purple Indestructible x1
Soft Purple War Hero x4 x3
Orange Gold Eviscerating x1
Orange Gold Hawkeye x2
Orange Gold Indestructible x3
Orange Gold War Hero x1
Viridian Corona Eviscerating x2
Viridian Corona Hawkeye x3
Viridian Corona Indestructible x3
Viridian Corona War Hero x2
Copper Hawkeye x1
Yellow Core War Hero x1
Fire Orange Indestructible x1
Pink-Red Indestructible x1
Pink-Purple Hawkeye x2
Pink Core Hawkeye x1
Pink Core Indestructible x2
Pink Core War Hero x1
Pink-Yellow War Hero x1
Umbaran Purple Eviscerating x1
Umbaran Purple Hawkeye x1
Umbaran Purple Indestructible x1
Radiant Green Eviscerating x3
Radiant Green Indestructible x1
Radiant Green War Hero x3
Glaring Abyss Indestructible x2
Fallen Red Hawkeye x1
Fallen Red War Hero x4
Ball Toss x5
Republic Banner x3 x2
Imperial Banner x5
Heroes' Banner x3
Glowing Eyes-Gold x3
Remote Control Starship x2
Dueling Banner x3
Rancor Holo-Replica x2
Chance Cube Regen x4
Mime Regen x4
Emergency Medical Table Regen x2
Holo Projector Disguise x1
Rapid Repair Drones Regen x3
Warm Hands Regen x3
Massage Bot Regen x2
HY-G9 Vanity Chamber Regen x1
Supply Pack Regen x1
Vending Machine Regen x1