Greetings everyone,
We would like to announce changes in official administrative stance regarding server summits and expansion of the community. These changes have come after careful consideration and observation over the last few months of interest as well as effects of previous changes, and they are not a result of any individual's actions.
1) We will no longer be officially sponsoring the monthly Begeren Colony summits. This means that members of the admin team may or may not attend the summits, but we are not guaranteed to do so. Community members are free to attend or not attend the summits as well, but are not required to do so.
2) Any changes the Admin team makes for the website will be for the sake of and at the request of current members. Although we had previously considered particular changes at the request of server summit participants, we will now no longer implement them unless
current active members have
sufficient interest in their implementation.
3) We would like to thank
@Dezzrevas, and
@Slavish for their help and their work for the website over the past months. We continue to encourage their participation and value their contribution on the website, including leading and arrangement of Begeren Colony server summits! However, for various reasons, they will be stepping down and no longer hold administrative roles on at this time.
4) We have a new Arbiter:
@recoveringgeek will be joining the site moderation team! Thank you for your help!
@Navigator will be the Administrative account for
@Cordae. All future administrative inquiries should be directed toward Navigator, and not Cordae. Thank you!
6) The Server Development subforum will still be present and available for use of any member of the community.
Again, as noted above, these changes have been made as an Admin team decision after long observation and consideration. We encourage everyone in the community to participate or not participate in various server events and developments as per their interests. We as an Admin team for have a goal of serving those who use this website to the best of our ability, and these changes are an effort on our part to direct our limited time and resources to directions where it would be most useful and beneficial.
Thank you all for your understanding!
@livia, Admin/Moderation Team