As a community changes and evolves, events rise to fill certain needs, scratch RP itches and provide coordination and interest. As time passes, the need for such events may cease and the events themselves may even become something detrimental to the community. So too do interests and life circumstances change.
When I started The War Room with Bolas I saw a need for it. As the community has grown and expanded, the need for it has lessened and finally with all the upheaval of KOTFE, I feel the time has passed.
Additionally I have real-life professional commitments that make the scheduled time very hard to attend, as you have no doubt noticed over the last few months. I do not have the ability to attend and manage my own event as I would like. I feel this is a disservice to the community and to the folks I have tapped to stand in, in my stead and work rather than play. I am essentially squatting on an evening when it could be put to better use, and that's not something I want to do.
For these reasons among others I've decided to end the event.
I am not looking for someone to take this event over or to adopt it and continue running it on their own. This is a non-negotiable point for me. Instead, I encourage taking this opportunity to try something new and to expand your horizons! There is a ton of great stuff post KOTFE to explore. Go forth and explore it!
I look forward to seeing what folks might invent and look forward to participation as a player.
I thank the folks who assisted me in sending out invites during the time when I was unavailable, and for everyone who attended over the past few years. I also thank my guild for donating and contributing time, credits and decos to the play spaces we have. The SH looks awesome! I look forward to running stuff with you folks in there without the pressures and limitations of hosting a public-facing event.