Author Topic: NaNoWriMo 2021  (Read 3621 times)

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Offline Imazi

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NaNoWriMo 2021
« on: 09/17/21, 02:55:25 PM »
It's almost that time again everybody. :nuu: Time to start laying plans early and develop ideas to write on in November. November is a horrible time for this, for me personally, every year but I still try. For those of you so inclined. Try again with me this year and see if you can't at least get out more of a story than you had previously.

This year, I intend to work on stuff connected with C9's issues in the I, Droid plot, but who knows what else I might dig up inspiration-wise.

Put your thinking caps on everybody. November will be here sooner than you think!
:think: :compare: :think:
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Offline Dassalya

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #1 on: 10/04/21, 07:26:51 PM »
Thanks for the reminder, Imazi!
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #2 on: 10/28/21, 11:41:31 AM »
Thanks for the reminder, Imazi!
You are most welcome Dass. :)

4 more days! I'm totally not ready!  :nuu:

However, NaNoWriMo is almost upon us everybody. Do you have an idea you want to develop yet? :grin:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #3 on: 11/01/21, 08:19:51 PM »
NaNoWriMo is upon us! The day is here! I'm not ready!!!!  :nuu:

But that's ok. For now, I'm just going to accept that I failed on the first plans I had and make new ones as I go. If you find yourself in the same situation as me, I'd recommend doing something similar. :grin:

Even though formal NaNoWriMo has a target word count, remember that no one is forcing that to be your goal. If you need to shoot for something a little lower... do it! Technically the spirit of NaNoWriMo is to write more. So do that. Write. More.  :cheer:

For those of you struggling to find a place to start, why don't you start by writing out a list? Base it around your RP characters, something you know. You could make a list of single-author stories that you never got around writing, existing RPs that you wanted to write out, RPs ideas that you never got to run, alternate paths that your character could have taken, or even get around to those 5 year time skip stories...

Come on, we've all got a few of those hanging around.  :lol:

Either way, find something to write about and write at least 10 more words than you otherwise would have today. You can do it! :cheer: :music: :cheer:
« Last Edit: 11/01/21, 08:21:52 PM by Imazi »
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #4 on: 11/02/21, 09:35:13 PM »
Day 2!

So far, I've greatly reduced my word count goals down to 500 words a day. It's still a stretch goal but nowhere near the insurmountable task of 1,600+ words. :O

For those of you writing this month, make sure you write something today... even if it is just a sentence stating that you've got nothing. You've got this!

Every word counts!  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #5 on: 11/03/21, 09:05:25 PM »
Hat trick! or at the very least I'm managing a three day writing streak. Here we are at Day 3 and it's probably been enough time for all of us to start wondering "what was I thinking?!?" :wtf:

Well, hopefully, you were thinking that it could be cool to finally get an idea written out, a story told, some backstory for your characters developed, or just plain old "why not?" Whatever your reason for starting to write this month, remember that it is valid, and good, and that you can do this! :grin:

As I sit here, tired and ready to just go to bed for the night, I remind myself that the only way to meet my writing goals is to keep writing. So I will say the same to you. Keep writing.

Even if it is only one idea more, one sentence more, one word more... keep writing. If you don't, you risk never finishing your story and missing out on half of the feelings of satisfaction from having a story. So remember, even if you only write one word a day, you will still finish your story, eventually. But, also keep in mind that every day you don't write is another day that might lead to putting down the metaphorical pen for good.

With I think I've waxed philosophical enough for one night... time to get story writing. Although, I probably should bump the day for these pep talks up since I never get them out until late at night.

Hmm... Ok, seizing the day! Well, the next one anyway.

Day 4! You can do this!  :cheer: :sleep: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #6 on: 11/05/21, 08:52:19 PM »
Day 5!

Welp, yesterday was my first didn't-write-anything day of the month. It happens. While it's not my favorite thing to have happen, the important thing is to get back to writing. So, if you have been struggling with the same thing, just make sure to get in that extra word for the day when you are ready to get going again. :grin:

If it helps you to get writing, feel free to reply here. Even if it is just to say Hi and get an extra word in for the day. Who knows, maybe something you write will help another WriMo keep going. Also, let me know if anyone would like me to drop prompts in here.

Part of my goal this year is to try to include daily pep talks here as part of my writing. So I will do my best to keep up the encouragement.

Anywho. Keep on writing!  :cheer: :grin: :cheer:

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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #7 on: 11/07/21, 06:46:03 PM »
Day 7!

Opps. Lost another day of writing. Oh well, back at it. Today, I find myself rethinking a scene. As a planner kind of writer, I like to lay everything out long before I start to write a scene. For some reason, having to go back and rewrite scenes or potentially writing myself into a corner terrifies me. However, I realize that this is a phobia, and indulging it can hurt my writing... Is it too late to swap this one out for arachnophobia?

Sometimes, in writing, it's just necessary to revisit an idea and take another stab at it. Maybe you've found a stronger story path to follow, maybe you need to cut some narrative deadweight, maybe you finally found the right cork to plug one of those nasty plot holes... whatever your reason for changing your ideas or rewriting something, just know that it isn't a failure... it's a refining and that's ok.

For me, it's a matter of finally finding the right-sized cork, so I'm off to go plug a plot hole. Have fun everybody and remember...

Keep. On. Writing! 
:cheer: :write: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #8 on: 11/08/21, 08:47:36 PM »
Day 8!

One week solidly down! Goals shmoals... If you have written anything at all, be proud of whatever amount of writing you have done so far. It's more than you had as of October 31st!

If you haven't written anything at all, now we have a fresh new week to start. Last week doesn't matter because you can get started this week! :grin:

For some of us, the hardest part is stabbing at the blank Abyss... The empty "page" that dares you to put your first word down. If you find yourself having that problem and you are tired of losing staring contests to the Abyss, try one of these ideas:

Pick one of your RP characters and write a sentence stating something about them. Then write a second sentence stating why that is the case. Keep working on statement/why pairs for a while until you have a paragraph or two, or chain the whys.

Example 1: XN is a GSI Utility droid that has no real function. He has no functions because he was a showroom model that was never properly outfitted with a function. XN is extremely cheerful and polite. That is because his base personality matrix was designed for customer service. XN is self-conscious about not having a function. He is self-conscious, mostly, because he is regularly ignored on Gen Terras because he has no true use besides holding stuff for people.

Example 2: XN is a GSI Utility droid that has no real function. He has no functions because he was a showroom model that was never properly outfitted. He was never properly outfitted with a function because he was boxed up before he could be sold. He was boxed up unsold because his product line was discontinued. His product line was discontinued because their manufacture was too costly to maintain and interest too low during the Zakuulan war.

Pick one of your characters and think about the concepts that are important to them and the values they hold. Now write out those concepts/values and then write out one of the following:
  • Describe a situation where they might have to violate a concept or value to preserve a different one
  • Describe a situation where acting to realize a concept or value might violate another value.
  • Describe a situation where acting on that concept or value might cause them to violate it at the same time.

1. XN values excellent customer service and being exceptionally polite and pleasant. However, if a customer was being belligerent and a threat to other customers, he would have to disregard being polite and pleasant to spare other customers. Mind you, all he would be able to do is firmly tell the belligerent customer that their behavior is unacceptable.

2. XN values being helpful, especially to organics, but he also values behaving lawfully. He would be very irked if in helping an organic he became an accessory to a crime, especially if others were hurt in the process and he would be very inclined to turn himself in to the local authorities.

3. XN is programmed to value organic life. He would be highly conflicted if he were forced to choose between saving one person's life or another. He doesn't have sufficient behavior logic installed to be able to make a decision and would likely lock up due to not knowing how to prioritize or rather who to prioritize.

22 more days left to write. Keep. On. Writting!  :cheer: :whee: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #9 on: 11/09/21, 09:14:01 PM »
Day 9!

...and I dun wanna! To be truly honest, I don't want to write today. I'd rather just close my laptop and pull the covers over my head. But! I'm going to write anyway. Not because I want to, but because I need to. I have writing goals and the only way I am going to make them is if I keep on writing... so onward!

That being said, don't let the days where you won't want to work towards your goals scare you out of setting them.  Setting goals for yourself can be more helpful in getting out work than not. When you have a goal, you'll have something clear to aim for. It's like the difference between trying to hit a target with or without a blindfold on. Seeing what you are aiming for is better... even if you can hit the target without seeing it. :lol:

However, SMART goals are a great template to start with if you aren't sure where to start. For those of you that may not know, SMART is an acronym for:
Time based

What this is reminding you to is to make sure that your goal is:

Specific. "I want to write 100 words" is a specific and much easier goal to navigate than "I want to write more".

Measurable. Find some kind of metric that you can use to track your progress towards your goal and then periodically check to see if you are on track as you go. I want to write a sentence a day is something you can track over time and measure whether or not you are keeping up or if you need to scale back.

Attainable. Set reasonable goals and then you will be far more likely to reach them. We may want to write a novel's worth of words in a week, but for most of us, that is too large a chunk to bite off. Make sure that goal you set can be reasonably met within the time frame you intend to work on it.

Relevant. Make sure that the goal you set will get you where you are trying to go. I like to read books on writing to search for the tools I need to tell the stories I want to tell. However, tracking whether or not I finish The Moral Premise by Stanley D. Williams by the end of the month is not going to actually get me to my goal of having the first draft of a short story by the end of the month. A better goal would be to make sure that I write out at least 2 scenes a week.

Time based. It is just as important to set specific, measurable, and attainable time frames for your goal as it is to pick a relevant goal. Making a goal to write a story before you're 90 isn't a bad goal, but it's a little vague. How will you measure success along the way? Do you mean a ficlet or a trilogy of novels? How will you know if you are on track to finish well before you are running out of time? Try setting goals in terms of regular intervals like daily, weekly, or monthly so that you can set up for an easier time checking your progress.

So, to put my money where my mouth is, I am going to write out my current writing goal for NaNoWriMo and I'm also going to set a new one to help me have the first draft by the end of the month.

Goal 1 (Write More): I want to write at least 500 words a day or average that much for each day in November.

Goal 2 (Finish First Draft): I want to finish writing at least 2 scenes from C9's first locked memory story for every week in November.

Ok... this is enough avoidance of writing out scene stuff for one day. Time to Keep. On. Writing!
 :cheer: :write: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #10 on: 11/10/21, 07:48:43 PM »
Day 10!

Wow, time has scooted along. Thank goodness! While time scooting is not great for my short term writing goals, it's great for the long term ones. This is part of the busiest time of the year at work and I can't wait for it to end so I have more time and brain power for working on stories!

Once November is over, I plan on continuing to set writing goals for myself and to try to finally get to a place where I am writing stories almost regularly... Well, that's the plan at least. :grin:

If you find that November is not a great writing month for you either, consider extending your writing goals beyond it or outright starting in another month. Did you know that has tools that let you set and track writing goals outside of November? Well, now you do! :lol:

If you sign up, you can start a writing project and create a goal for it. The goal will allow you to set a word count target, time range, and give you tools for tracking. Don't feel like signing up on but still need help tracking goals? Try a google search for writing tools and see what you find. :)

Welp, that's enough plugging for one day. Remember... Keep. On. Writing!
 :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
« Last Edit: 11/10/21, 07:50:54 PM by Imazi »
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #11 on: 11/13/21, 10:02:57 PM »
Day 13!

Whew! It's been a couple of days. I say a couple since technically I did write yesterday, I just did it a little differently.  :grin: Since the second Friday of the month is now Palace Night, I decided to RP instead. It's definitely still creative writing! :lol:

However, it's back to my normal routine now.

Before I move on to my story writing for the night, I'd like to share something that has helped me with both writing and RPing, identifying and using conflict.

What is Conflict?

Conflict is the heart of a story. It's anything that stands between your character and what they want to do. This is usually what we find interesting about a story. However, conflict is much more than hostility and fighting. Literally, anything that keeps your character from completing a goal is conflict.  Therefore any "scene", "interaction", or "story moment" can have conflict. What's more, it should have it. That may seem odd, especially in RP, but let me illustrate.

Let's say that your character wants to enjoy a beer. It's a good start. Action starts with a desire to have something or do something. Without it, your character will stand where they are like a bump in the road. However, your character goes to a bar and orders a beer. The end.

That's not really all that interesting, is it? Not only that, it's not very interesting for a reader or another RPer. However, we can fix that with conflict. Let's try having this character wanting to enjoy a beer but something gets in the way.

How to Use Conflict

Let's go back to our character at the bar and give them another chance for some conflict. Imagine that they take their first sip of the beer and instantly have to grab their mouth to keep from spitting it out. They begin to look very uneasy and make a few faces. They may even start to turn colors before looking around frantically...

I think we can safely say that something has kept them from their goal of enjoying a beer, but what? Did our dear character find out that they make beer out of something different on this planet? Did they order a beer but have no idea what a beer actually tastes like? Did they see something shocking and their reaction has nothing to do with the beer? Can you think of any other possible reasons for that kind of reaction? This is the great thing about conflict, it raises questions.

Open questions create interest and interest can lead to engagement. This happens because people are curious. When people encounter an open question, they naturally want to get an answer. This is why "will they won't they?", "whodunit?", and "will they survive?" situations are really good at holding attention.

Holding attention is really important and it's most important in an RP. Without interest, characters stand there not doing anything, players get bored, and the story stagnates. But questions like "what just happened" become a reason for other things to start happening. Sometimes it's the RP-saving catalyst for two or more characters to actually interact.

A Few More Thoughts

All of that being said, try doing this in the future. Think about what your characters want and what can reasonably get in the way. If RPing, also lookout for when other characters try to get or do something and it fails. Just like questions are an excuse for others to interact with your character, it's also an opportunity for you to interact with someone else's character.

One more thing to note for RP, though, is that this works better if people in the same conversation or "interaction" stagger trying to introduce conflict. For example, if several characters are waiting quietly at the bar, it's great to have your character attempt something but hit some conflict. If there is already a lot going on at the bar, it might be better to wait until things slow down before attempting to introduce conflict.

Regardless, as you experience stories or create them, pay attention to the flow of stories that interest you. See if you can spot the conflict driving the story. As you get better at identifying and using conflict, I'm sure you will find it super useful.

Keep. On. Writing!
 :cheer: :whee: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #12 on: 11/14/21, 09:18:15 PM »
Day 14!

One more day until the halfway mark. Thank goodness. This is around the time that NaNo gets hard for me. It's like the middle part of a story, I'm kinda ready to give up on it. :lol: However, this year it is my goal to push on rather than get derailed for the next two weeks. So, it's time to keep pushing! You can do it too. Just a couple more weeks.

Today, I found myself with an interesting problem. I've had writer's block all day, but not for the usual reasons. It's not that I can't think of anything to write. I can't make myself settle down and actually write it. :wtf: I think the problem is just that I haven't been feeling great due to allergies and I don't like writing when I feel bad.

It stinks to not meet my writing goals for the day. At least it helps to understand why. You may also find that learning what helps you to write and what gets in the way will also make it easier to accept when you don't feel like writing. When you write, take some time to reflect afterward.

What made it easier to write? What made it harder?
What motivated you to want to write? What made you feel like you shouldn't bother?
What makes you feel good about what you have written? What feeds your inner editor?

Hopefully, taking some time to think about these things will make it easier to set yourself up for success. Regardless, the main thing is to find a way to Keep. On. Writing!

 :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #13 on: 11/15/21, 06:48:43 PM »
Day 15!

Finally at the halfway mark! Almost at the end of pushing so hard to meet this goal. However, I would strongly encourage you to not slip into the mindset I had for my first NaNoWriMo. Honest to goodness, it felt like writing at gunpoint.

I stressed out so much about the word count that it sucked all of the fun out NaNo. It's admittedly the only time I ever made 50k words, but I couldn't even enjoy it until after it was over. That's not a healthy way to write and definitely not fun.

While you want to push yourself to meet your goals, don't make yourself unhappy because of them.

Come on everybody. We can do this! Even if you only get only one sentence, one idea, or one word further...
Keep. On. Writing!
 :cheer: :write: :cheer:
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Offline Imazi

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Re: NaNoWriMo 2021
« Reply #14 on: 11/16/21, 09:33:37 PM »
Day 16!

We can do this!  :nuu:

So far, I have not managed to write every single day like I would have hoped. However, I have written 12 days out of 16. I'm going to take that as a victory because I could have given up and not written anything this year. If you are also not doing exactly as you had hoped, do the same.

Look for victories where you can. Did you write something on a day you swore you couldn't fit any writing in? Did you finally get an idea out of your head and in a place where you could physically look at it? Did you write one extra sentence more than usual? Then be glad. If the journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step, then the journey of a story starts with one word. :rush:

Here's a concept that you may find helpful in your writing. Try to keep time references, or verb tense, consistent within a scene.

For example, did you start out the scene something like, "Character X walked out into the open and took a deep breath"? In that case, you are presenting the character's actions and the events they experience in the past. Whether you are writing a single author story or RPing, it helps others to stay with you when you stay consistent in the time reference you use.

For example, the following two sentences mix past and future.
"Character X walked out into the open and took a deep breath. She would look around before turning back to her companions."

While it's not the worst thing in the world, the switch between the two time references will often draw attention away from your character's actions. In RP, it might also cause some confusion between you describing a conditional action and a future action. By that I mean, the character might do something based on what happens or you might be describing what the character will do in just a moment.

Let's take those two sentences and put them both in the past.

"Character X walked out into the open and took a deep breath. She looked around before turning back to her companions."

It was only a slight change here, but over the course of a short story or long RP, it can make more of a difference.

Oh. One more thing to note is that there is no inherently right or wrong time reference to use. You can use past, present, or future depending on the circumstances. Different time references will give a different feeling to your writing. For example, writing in the present can convey a sense of urgency. Future could convey possibilities if you are writing Force shenanigans. :grin:

Also, there are times when mixing is unavoidable within a scene. If you are writing in the present but your character is referencing something that is in the past for them, using the past time reference for that part would be appropriate.

Anywho, there are much more in depth explanations out there on the interwebs if you'd like far more precise and technical discussions on the topic. Regardless of what time reference is your preference, remember...

Keep. On. Writing!
 :cheer: :music: :cheer:
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