Author Topic: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?  (Read 4039 times)

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Offline Semah

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Nerfed in a recent patch. No longer works. Revision due to more testing, see my second post! Double 2pc works, but you can't trust the UI.

I'm mentioning this here because we have a lot of juggernauts, and because Tyria brought it up in imperialooc. It was a pretty great idea. :-) The idea was: 2pc set bonuses generally stack even if they are identical, e.g. the sniper WH 2pc and the sniper partisan 2pc together give 1+1=2 extra ticks on orbital strike. So why not do the same thing as a jugg, and get 8% + 8% = 16% heal on intercede?

The problem is: they actually don't stack for us. I just checked last night, and am only getting an ~8% heal shown on intercede with a partisan vindi set and a WH vindi set both equipped. :-(

The upshot is: 2pc vindicator (8% heal) and 2pc PvE tank (+2sec on invincible, +1sec on blade turning) is probably still the best mix of set bonuses. The question is whether the loss of bolstered expertise on the PvE pieces will make 2pc PvE impractical. Due to the way that bolster works, it will surely be very bad to use only the PvE armorings (which is what we did before).
« Last Edit: 08/11/13, 08:13:28 AM by Semah »

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #1 on: 05/13/13, 05:48:35 AM »
Bumping this because I performed more testing this morning. Previously I'd looked at the scrolltext amount healed (whether it'd be 16% in total, or whether I'd see 2 messages). There is always only one message, and it is always only ~8% of total health.


When I let mobs beat me down and leap to an ally, I get roughly 16% healed (based on the HP bar), even if the scrolltext only shows a single 8%. So it seems that I was wrong, and the initial test was faulty.  I imagine that this is just a bug with their combat text; presumably the heals apply simultaneously, and the code doesn't handle that properly.

Anyway, sorry for the confusion. I'm now confirming that the double-2pc is working for juggernauts.

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #2 on: 08/11/13, 08:04:41 AM »
Semah, what's a double-2pc?
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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #3 on: 08/11/13, 08:13:11 AM »
Oops, I never updated this, sorry. The feature was indeed nerfed, and isn't available anymore.

Before, you could use a pair of pre-2.0 armors and a pair of post-2.0 armorings, and if both had the same set bonus, you'd get both at the same time. For instance, the jugg 2pc PvP bonus was an 8% heal on intervene, and so by equipping two pairs of armorings together, you'd get a 16% heal on intervene.

Not sure if other classes still have this option?

Offline Yena

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #4 on: 08/11/13, 08:23:25 AM »
I need to get that combat parser working and do some observations of my own..

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #5 on: 08/11/13, 10:44:10 AM »
Oops, I never updated this, sorry. The feature was indeed nerfed, and isn't available anymore.

Before, you could use a pair of pre-2.0 armors and a pair of post-2.0 armorings, and if both had the same set bonus, you'd get both at the same time. For instance, the jugg 2pc PvP bonus was an 8% heal on intervene, and so by equipping two pairs of armorings together, you'd get a 16% heal on intervene.

Not sure if other classes still have this option?
Set stacking no longer works. People used to do the same for Sorc healing. Innervate spam kinda killed any real thought when it came to sorc healing.
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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #6 on: 08/11/13, 11:19:57 AM »
Yeah, not surprising. Thanks. It was great while it lasted. But now I probably won't see a 300k/300k/300k game unless I get a _really_ long one without any node guarding.

Offline NovaZero

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #7 on: 08/12/13, 12:19:52 AM »
It's been gone for a long while.
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Offline Semah

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Re: Juggernaut PvP 2pc WH vindi + 2pc partisan vindi = Yes?
« Reply #8 on: 08/12/13, 04:53:22 AM »
It's been gone for a long while.

I'm not saying it hasn't been---it looks like it was globally nerfed on 5/30---only that I didn't update this thread while I was on hiatus. Note the dates. :-)  It was a nice feature while it lasted, which is why I made this thread. In May, the jugg version was working but not reporting the healing properly.


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