Author Topic: November Begeren Colony Summit  (Read 5382 times)

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Offline Dezzrevas

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November Begeren Colony Summit
« on: 11/01/15, 01:42:38 PM »
Hello again, this summit has been moved to December 5th. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have had some issues with times available and RL in the coordination team.

Current topics:

-Future of the Summits
-Summit Coordination Committee (we need more people helping the organization process)
-Server Website changes and/or additions
-Server Website activity
-Large Scale events
-Days and times of future summits
-Has anything changed

As always we are open to feedback and ideas for topics that matter to you. Please feel free to bring up anything on your mind that could be helpful to discuss.

 we are planning the next Summit and would like some input on the best times and days for availability for as many players as can come. Please take the 10 seconds to vote in the following strawpolls to help us get your voice heard. for the day of the week you are most likely available and for the time slot you prefer on the day you are available.  Please let everyone you know about this so they may be able to attend. Also if you have any ideas to add to the agenda we are drafting please feel free to post them here. It is helpful if after you complete the polls if you could say if you are interested and who you are in game below as well. Thank you for joining in our efforts to bring the community together. This Summit will be in Teamspeak3.

~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)
~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)
« Last Edit: 11/24/15, 11:26:19 PM by Dezzrevas »
~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Order)
~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)
21st Sage in ranked PVP Grouped(season 6)

Offline Aylaa

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #1 on: 11/01/15, 02:10:18 PM »
So the poll only had one question - what time we prefer. But it had no day but the test of this post seemed to imply there would be a question of what day we'd be available as well? Did something get missed?

Offline Seraphie

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #2 on: 11/01/15, 03:37:47 PM »
So the poll only had one question - what time we prefer. But it had no day but the test of this post seemed to imply there would be a question of what day we'd be available as well? Did something get missed?

*points to -both- blue underlined interwebs codes*

There are two links, two polls, one for day one for time. Don't worry, I had to read the post a second time to find the second one. I was initially very confused by the single question in the poll too.

Offline Aylaa

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #3 on: 11/01/15, 04:31:08 PM »
ahh I see I the second link. thanks stell.

Offline SivWysan

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #4 on: 11/01/15, 07:27:58 PM »
Horaay for Teamspeak- much easier to use. 

Offline oushizaryu

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #5 on: 11/01/15, 09:56:32 PM »
Voted ~

And hey, at least with TS - I can install the app on my hopefully even if I end up in some random-female's bed on the Saturday night -- I can open up my phone on the Sunday morning (Saturday PM PST).


Offline SivWysan

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #6 on: 11/02/15, 10:25:35 AM »
Voted ~

And hey, at least with TS - I can install the app on my hopefully even if I end up in some random-female's bed on the Saturday night -- I can open up my phone on the Sunday morning (Saturday PM PST).


Geek-talk of Shame? :P

Offline Karmic

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #7 on: 11/02/15, 06:28:02 PM »
Teamspeak.. the only VOIP I don't already have... oyvey!

Also if its even possible on the neat little strawpoll site - for future votes you might want to give people 2-3 options to vote for the "best day".  I"m sure many people have more than one day that might work equally as well :) - and not just me!

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Offline Dezzrevas

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #8 on: 11/02/15, 06:44:36 PM »
Yeah I thought about that but thought it would be harder to nail down 1 day. I will try that next time though I see where it can be a little wonky. I put more emphasis on the straw polls and the time we need the info in by as well.

~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)
~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)
« Last Edit: 11/02/15, 06:47:00 PM by Dezzrevas »
~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Order)
~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)
21st Sage in ranked PVP Grouped(season 6)

Offline oushizaryu

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #9 on: 11/02/15, 07:38:24 PM »
Voted ~

And hey, at least with TS - I can install the app on my hopefully even if I end up in some random-female's bed on the Saturday night -- I can open up my phone on the Sunday morning (Saturday PM PST).


Geek-talk of Shame? :P

I plead the fifth...wait, that's right isn't it? I can use the fifth here right? RIGHT?

*shifty-eyes then runs*

Hmmm. Looks like I need to reinstall TS app and whatnot we have details for the TS server? Sorry for asking here ~ at work and haven't found the server-info thread if there is one...

Offline Semah

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Re: November Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #10 on: 11/05/15, 06:16:55 PM »
Voted. But I notice that the most popular times, by far, are later than I can stay up, even on a weekend night. :(

Offline Dezzrevas

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Re: December Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #11 on: 11/23/15, 07:26:52 PM »
This summit has been moved to December 5th. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have had some issues with times available and RL in the coordination team.

Current topics:

-Future of the Summits
-Summit Coordination Committee (we need more people helping the organization process)
-Server Website changes and/or additions
-Server Website activity
-Large Scale events
-Days and times of future summits
-Has anything changed

As always we are open to feedback and ideas for topics that matter to you. Please feel free to bring up anything on your mind that could be helpful to discuss.
« Last Edit: 11/23/15, 07:31:58 PM by Dezzrevas »
~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Order)
~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)
21st Sage in ranked PVP Grouped(season 6)

Offline Imazi

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Re: December Begeren Colony Summit
« Reply #12 on: 11/23/15, 07:49:05 PM »
Would you mind if we moved this to it's own monthly summit thread instead of keeping them combined? That way, it will be easier for people looking back on things to find just December's topics and discussion, and the event can be linked from there.

Also, I would personally be appreciative to have this topic discussed: What do people who are currently only curious about RP need to help them take the plunge?

I am happy to keep working on guides for aspects of the craft that I have some knowledge on. Also, I am open to holding casual RPs for new RPers where the sole goal is getting used to speaking in character and trying out ideas in a low to no pressure environment. From my time running a tavern in another game, I learned the value of making a "safe" place for people to ease into the playstyle. People tend to open up and relax when they are sure they won't get smacked for begin "wrong".

However, without any input from people actually in that position, or from people that know people in that position, I can only guess about what may be needed or may be helpful.
Check my profile for links my short story and art work threads.

New to RPing? Check my Getting Started Guide.

