This post is a continuation and update in response to the recent community happenings surrounding the
Announcement: Community Update post. The result of that thread and subsequent events was a very public shellacking of the site admin and moderation team by what amounted to a lynch mob in the chatroom on the night of 12/08/15.
There were many people in the chatroom that evening who came openly to our defense. Our thanks for your support cannot be adequately expressed, as that would tacitly require us to assign some value to it. In fact, it is invaluable. It is the reason we have stuck around, and the reason why the words below are so important to the admin team.
That day took everything out of Artisan and me. The two of us had an opportunity to talk about what happened and we both came to the conclusion that our current position is untenable.
Frankly speaking, we haven't really,
consistently had fun in this community in a long time. There have been very many bright spots (and that cannot be overstated) but generally and as a whole, this place has taken more energy out of us than it has given back. Speaking for me - I'm at my wits end. It's affecting my ability to help run this site.
The policies that we have in place, our Community Guidelines, appear to be ineffective. They are not enforced adequately (which I play a part in, despite efforts to reform) and it is our assessment that no one cares about them. When they are violated, they are violated with abandon because, I feel, people know that little will come of it in terms of official reprisal.
This is not working. I believe it to be part of the root cause of any site drama that we experience and have been trying to combat. The internet has a way of making people to forget that on the other side of the glass live humans like themselves. We have been weak on this, and I feel that this is partly because we feel that if we start pushing, people will explode all over everything, coloring community interactions negatively for whole weeks at a time. We have seen this very thing happen many times in the past. This just happened this past week.
Artisan and I talked about it and came to this conclusion: If we were to do everything exactly right by how we have usually done things, we would nonetheless be here again in two weeks for something else of equal magnitude and similar vitriol.
This is a website that serves a community and is reliant on donations. But it is also a website that is privately run and provided by the two of us. It's not a utility service: It is not water, it is not electricity, it’s not heating or air conditioning. Nobody will die from lack of it. And we who actually run the website deserve to have fun too from something that we are holding up and keeping online.
And so, Artisan and I have decided on a new course for this site. In the coming days, we will be reforming and redefining the principles this site operates on along with the site’s terms of use. They will not be wildly different from what they are; particulars will be outlined in time. But there will be at least one critically important requirement:
All members will show respect, decency, and patience to each other, or face swift official reprisal. Continued abuse of this rule without insight or remorse will be met with stricter reprisal or banning. Now, we are not machines, we are humans and emotional beings. There is room in our roles for leniency and context.
But it is not our responsibility to see that our site users act like mature adults. It is the responsibility of the site users. Those who refuse to do so will no longer be welcome in this community.
Our expectations include that our members refrain from:
- Public denigration or insinuations
- Bullying
- Personal attacks and overly-heated or adversarial language
The buck is officially stopping here. We are done with being abused and we are done with watching our users be abused.
I understand that these rules may come off as harsh. But this site is run by us. This team was not elected. We are not paid wages for serving site users a certain way. This is a website for a community centered on a video game, and a storied universe.
This is a hobby for us, not a prison term.One objective with this rule change is to grow this place into an environment where public, personal attacks are not the norm, where people can openly collaborate with each other without fear of scorn or nastiness.
Another objective is to keep the two of us, who are the ones actually keeping the site online, sane.
Artisan and I, and the Arbiters, and every single one of you would not continue to pour your souls into this place – your characters, your relationships, and your wonderful and fantastic stories – if you did not want to be here. Just look at the
Gratitude thread. We want gratitude and kindness to one another to be everywhere. But that must be counterbalanced with staying sane.
There will be people who object to this policy shift. Whatever their disagreements with the site admin and moderation team, or with each other, members of this site will be hereby required to treat each other with decency. If there are those that feel that this is impossible, or an imposition that they simply cannot deal with, they are invited to gather their works and their writing and leave.
If people continue to act as dramatic and abusive as they have over and over again, then we will seriously consider shutting the site down after a fair warning to all users.Those with questions or comments may contact the admin team. We reserve the right to answer or not answer at our discretion.
Thank you for reading,
Navigator & Artisan, and the Arbiter Team