My pleasure!
Somebody recommended I post here and I'm glad I did. I haven't spent any time exploring and there are a lot of really intriguing posts and things to find here. I'm happy to be aboard.
As for GSF, I know it's a mini game that is not everyone's cup of tea, but I do hope that those of you who enjoy it will come out and voice your support. It really is a fun and unique game to play within SWTOR. I wish the Devs would do more to make it accessible to new players and that is why I want this grassroots movement to get some momentum.
All one can do is try. If enough of us take a moment to post a few words of encouragement on those threads maybe it will catch Michael Backus and his Dev team's attention and help convince them to put a little more time to fix and develop GSF.
Personally, I would be thrilled if they worked out some balance issues and did more to make GSF accessible to new pilots like offering an improved tutorial that allows players to fly their own ships in a practice zone and to test out their ship loadouts without the pressure of being mercilessly vaporized in a live match. Add a few more maps, maybe a new ship and a new play mode as well as adding some exclusive items available for purchase with Fleet Comms. Personally, I would love to have some cool exclusive GSF artwork to add to my strongholds! Space themed artwork would be really great to have and completely appropriate for this aspect of the game. Maybe it would also offer more incentives for players to queue up. So much can be done to improve this wonderful little gem!