This thread is the official signup for the SM Toborro's Courtyard run. This run will take place at 7PM (server time/pst) on Saturday 13th of this month. Imp side.
We will either meet on Makeb outside the Operation phase, or one of our group members can summon via flagship summons.
We want 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS(3, after my slot). I will update this post with each addition to the team. Those of you who posted on the original Toborro's Courtyard 'gauging interest' thread will receive priority over those who did not. Other-wise, role slots (dps,tank,healer) are first come first served.
I implore and encourage those of you who are new to operations in general, to sign up for the role you
want, not the role you think you'll be best at or the one you think you should take. I intend for this run to be a learning experience. This is the
perfect chance for anyone who wants to learn how to heal in ops, to tank, or to DPS to do so. So please, sign up for the slot you want.
Final Team
LVT (Lashila)
Sebrik (Stun)
Seraphie (Huritt)
Karmic - Possible Tank
Niarra - Heal or Tank
On the day of the run, I
will explain mechanics. However, if you want to read over, or watch a video of Toborro's Courtyard in action, will be useful to you. Although that guide is old, the mechanics are still the same. Reading or watching the video in that link though is not necessary if you don't want to, because again, I will explain mechanics completely. I will also explain a few terms before we take on the boss.
During the run, I will also sit in's Discord, which can be conveniently found to your left on that panel, thanks to the site admins. Voice will not be necessary, but know I'll be in there in case you have any questions or concerns during the raid!
I look forward to running through this SM operation with you all. Remember to have fun with it. It's a learning experience for most of you!