
Author Topic: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations  (Read 10012 times)

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Offline Niarra

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Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« on: 01/15/17, 01:41:52 AM »
In pursuit of my Strongholds obsession, I've now made my stretch goal of hitting 250,000 personal prestige.  :whee: (Hooray for unhealthy fixation!  :omg:)

Along the way that obviously meant acquiring a lot of decorations (which also meant a heckuva lot of reputation, PVP, Flashpoint, and Operations grinding, among other more prosaic things like more frivolously spent millions than bears thinking about). Having put myself through that grinder I have a very clear idea of how much time it took - and I know that's something we, as people who also have to contend with the Real World, don't always have a lot of.

That made me think I might be able to do something to spare other people that grind, at least as far as guilds are concerned.

So, while I know we have quite a few SH aficionados who are likely already donating to their guilds left and right, I thought I might as well put out the offer as well, because it never hurts to have more people who can spread the shinies around! :cake: I am throwing open the doors to my hoard, and can offer an alt to temporarily guild-join to donate/purchase-for-guild any of the decorations I'm about to outline below.

Update as of 7/3/17:

The previous iteration of this post went on to break things down into categories and had screenshots and lists of what is available. I've since decided to go ahead and share my decorations spreadsheet/database on Google sheets, both to streamline communicating which decos I have the ability to donate, and to make the resource available to anyone who might find it useful in their own Strongholds pursuits. >>>>>>> Here it is! <<<<<<<

The data in the sheet is protected, but on the tool bar you should see a filter option (an icon that looks like a funnel) which will allow you to create a filtered view of the spreadsheet.

Those of you who already know how to use filters in a spreadsheet know what to do to fully unlock the power of this spreadsheet. Have at it!

For those who aren't familiar with filters, here's a YouTube video that tells you the basics. You can start at 4:42, and end at 6:30, and you'll have the foundation of what you need. While filtering on just one category is already plenty helpful, where you'll really be able to make the sheet work the most magic is in filtering on multiple categories at once to zoom in on a specific type of data you're looking for. In the sections below, I will suggest specific filter combinations to help you view things.

Note to remember: After you have completed a search on particular filters/parameters, and you are ready to try to filter in a different way for a new search, it's important to reset all of your filtered columns. To do that, check for all the columns where the icon indicates a filter is active, click on the filter, and then click on the Select All option to make sure all data has been restored. Now you're back at square one and can start a new filtering exercise!

And remember, if you ever need to look up what one of the decos in the list is, you can check TOR Decorating as a reference for pics. 

The Spreadsheet Column that Matters for Donations

For the purpose of determining which decos I can offer to donate to a guild, the column that denotes this is the one labeled "Guild Donation Price." There are five value types you will see in this column: 
               Credits Cost (the various number values)
               N/A - BoL
               N/A - BoP
               Physical Donation
Credits Cost - For any deco with a number value in this column, that number represents the cost in credits to purchase a copy of the deco for the guild. Multiple copies of the same deco may be purchased, and the credit cost will apply in full for each copy.
Physical Donation - This means that a deco must be physically in your inventory (not consumed and added to your personal decorations UI), and then dragged and dropped into your guild bank in order for a copy to be donated to your guild. You will need as many physical copies of the deco as you want donated.
N/A, N/A - BoL, N/A - BoP - Decos with any of these values cannot be donated to a guild at all, in any form. Some of these are obviously bugs which I will be calling out on the official forums, but for the time being there's nothing we can do to change this reality.

 :lightside:What I Can Help Donate to Your Guild

Filter the "Niarra Unlocked" column to Yes only, and the "Guild Donation Price" column to the number values and Physical Donations only. Once you've done that, you will now be looking at a list of everything I can help to donate to your guild.

Keep in mind that if a decoration can be purchased from Felusia Stato or from one of the Fabrication droids (you can see that specified in the "Source" column), then you do not need my help for this at all, since you yourself can purchase those decos from the relevant vendor and drop them into your guild bank at need. The same goes for decos that are direct purchase from the Cartel Market and can only be donated via Physical Donation.

 :lightside:Cartel Pack, Cartel Market, Event, Special Vendor, or Anniversary Decos

I have all of the Cartel Market items in the game, so if it exists and it is not bugged so as to prevent donation, I can donate it for you. Some items are bugged, but the vast majority will all have a credit cost donation price. Play around with the filters on the spreadsheet to find what you need.

A few decos that are accessible through unique vendors (such as the Collector's Edition vendor) or from previous Anniversary events can also be donated with a credit cost, and the spreadsheet will show you which those are as well.

 :lightside:Reputation Faction Items

These are the decos you can buy from the special event vendors (such as the Gree, BBA, Makeb, Rishi, etc.) with event currencies, fabrication kits, or credits, and purchase is gated behind reputation requirements. For some reason (again I suspect oversight, because there's no logic to it) some of these can be guild donated and some of them cannot. Again, the spreadsheet will show this. To view all decos acquired from Reputation vendors, filter on the "Source Type" column for Reputation.

I have the necessary reputation level for all of the game factions, to cover all of the decorations that can be acquired from them. (If you are using the sheet for your own purposes and wish to see what reputation level you need to shoot for, you can find that data over in Column K: "Reputation Pre-Requisite.") Some reputation vendor items can be donated to a guild with a credit cost, and some can by donated via physical donation - in either case, I can help you. But some of these do fall under the N/A categories and I'm afraid none of us can do anything at the moment to get those into any of our guilds.

 :lightside:Flashpoint, Operations, and Eternal Championship Trophies

All trophies can be donated to a guild via credit cost. To see what I can help to donate for your guild, just filter the "Niarra Unlocked" column to Yes, the "Guild Donation Price" column to all the number values only, and the "Source Type" column to include E.C. - Achievements, Flashpoint - Achievements, and Operation - Achievements.

 :lightside:Operations Drops

Operations drops are funny. It's about a 50/50 split on those that can be donated via a credit cost donation purchase, and those which can be donated only via drag & drop physical donation. Ultimately all Operations drops decos can be donated via one of these two methods, but if it's the physical donation method then we are all in the same boat of just needing to acquire it via an ops run or the GTN and giving it to our guild.

But if it's a deco with a credit cost purchase option, then I can help! To find which those are, filter the "Niarra Unlocked" column to Yes, the "Guild Donation Price" column to all the number values only, and the "Source Type" column to Operations.

Note that Flashpoint drops can never be donated with a credit cost; all of these are strictly physical donations only, so you'll need to grind those FPs or search the GTN for them.


Unfortunately, most of the decos that are awarded for achievements cannot be donated to a guild. (This is particularly a shame with all of the lovely PVP artwork.) To see the small handful that I can help to donate, filter the "Niarra Unlocked" column to Yes, the "Guild Donation Price" column to all the number values only, and the "Source Type" column to PVE - Achievements.

:lightside: Mounts and Pets

Trying to list these out would be a project and a feat well beyond my patience. Suffice it to say that I have an embarrassingly rather obscene amount of mounts and pets, including many of the rare ones (particularly most beasties). Not all are Collections unlocked so I can't provide a definitive list (meaning it will depend on the character I’m donating with), but if there's one in particular you're looking for please ask and I'll check if it's feasible.

If You Want Any of This Donated to Your Guild: What to Do

If you've seen anything here that you'd like me to donate to your guild, please either list it out in a response on this topic, or send me a PM with that info. You'll need to include the name of the deco(s) and the quantity (number of copies you'd like donated). Using the spreadsheet, you should also be able to calculate the cost in either credits or the prefab kits needed to buy them from the Reputation vendors.

Once you have a list made up we'll organize a time when I could be in-game with a designated alt for you to throw me a temporary guild invite, do the credits trade and/or prefab trade, and then I'll be able to make all of the donations.

Here's to hoping my sick madness can actually benefit someone!  :lol:
« Last Edit: 09/20/17, 01:23:16 AM by Niarra »
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Iaera

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #1 on: 01/15/17, 06:46:20 AM »
In my SH obsession I have diligently unlocked every item from the packs, so no need to ask; if it's from a gamble pack, I have it.


so jelly right now.

(I might have to take you up on a deco or two! JC has most of the dupe-donatable stuff, I think, but I'll double check)
retired ~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline recoveringgeek

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #2 on: 01/15/17, 09:03:55 AM »
You're hardcore @Niarra.

Well done.
I knew some of the Palace history, but not the bit about Jaade crashing that barge. That's good lore, right there.  :grin:

Offline Joshmaul

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #3 on: 01/15/17, 09:56:08 AM »
(I might have to take you up on a deco or two! JC has most of the dupe-donatable stuff, I think, but I'll double check)

More trees on my bridge, Iaera? :P
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Heroic kings laid down to rest
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Offline Karmic

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #4 on: 01/15/17, 11:49:24 AM »
Wow you went and put it all together all nice and organized and pretty... *pets the pretty lists*

Gold stars in the Force for you gurl! I know there are a few other players who are happy to provide similar services (and have many alts and unguilded alts) but don't necessarily advertise and pass the word around.

I just wish I could afford a Tat or Yavin Guild SH it woudl be so much cheaper over the long run to be able to just throw all the decorations in once I Have a single copy =D but that's wayyyy more money than I've had at one time yet... YET! XD

I hope others will hop on the thread, who do have the collections and time and willingness to do so - and let people know who they are so everyone can benefit.. more :).

YEA DECOS! LOL  I'm pretty good with my collection but yours is  :aww:  :scared: :aww:

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Offline LarhrNaor

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #5 on: 01/15/17, 12:18:17 PM »
Aegis might need 1 or 2 of these items... Maybe 10 or 20 to be exact... I'll even fund you.
"Mess with my family, expect a war. One you will lose. My family is the most important thing in my life. We may not be blood related, but my love for them will carry me on through my life. You best start running now. Because when you do run, I won't give you much of a headstart."
-Larhr Bail

Offline Niarra

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #6 on: 01/15/17, 02:37:31 PM »
You're hardcore @Niarra.

I think the word you're actually looking for is insane:tmi: The amount of time I spent in Kuat Driveyards alone (thanks to the indulgence and assistance of a fellow deco-obsessee and an achievement hunter compatriot), praying that the randomly generated scenarios would give me the ones I needed, just to get one single piece of space-themed artwork... I probably need some sort of specialized help. (And unfortunately I can't even donate that one to a guild!!  :rage:)

I just wish I could afford a Tat or Yavin Guild SH it woudl be so much cheaper over the long run to be able to just throw all the decorations in once I Have a single copy =D

It is indeed cheaper, and so convenient! But I've discovered it's nonetheless much more expensive than I thought it would be. In my obsession to have more places to decorate I've opened a couple personal guild strongholds. Going in to the first one (Nar Shaddaa) I thought the most expensive part would be the upfront cost of just unlocking all the rooms. But I soon discovered that having all of those decos freely available to you and letting your imagination run wild with them began to rack up the donation costs at astonishing speed. Just half a dozen donated copies of a Gold deco brings you up to half a million credits (and obviously you're looking at many times that when dealing with the full deco palette), and while it's still of course cheaper than buying the decos outright (given the whack supply/demand ratio on the GTN) it ended up being a much more expensive project than I'd anticipated. Totally worth it, but definitely pricey!  :scared:

Aegis might need 1 or 2 of these items... Maybe 10 or 20 to be exact... I'll even fund you.

I look forward to seeing your list and being able to help! And while I would need the cost of the donations in exchange, I certainly don't need anything further than the bare cost. I'm happy to help!

I love giving gifts when I can, but I prefer that to be a personal thing when I see a need that I can address, and also I figured if I was going to actually put out a community wide offer (with no way to know how many "orders" would come in) the only way to be fair was to make it an across the board simple direct donation cost exchange, and not be picking and choosing which guilds got what for free. I feel like a scrooge  :umm:, but with some of those donation costs going as high as 1 million...  :scared:
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Seraphie

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #7 on: 01/15/17, 03:20:28 PM »
I've had a similar goal of unlocking all the cartel pack decorations, to be able to give them to guilds. I have most but not all. Any chance I could have a copy of that spreadsheet? >.>

And 200K prestige... wow.... I was proud to reach 100K, lol. But then I don't raid or do fps and such.

Offline Niarra

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #8 on: 01/15/17, 05:03:44 PM »
I've had a similar goal of unlocking all the cartel pack decorations, to be able to give them to guilds. I have most but not all. Any chance I could have a copy of that spreadsheet? >.>

I'd be happy to share, but I may need to update it a little first, depending on what you wanted to track with it. I don't currently have all of the cartel pack decos in there, because for those I made a point of "crossing them off the list" as each pack was released and so didn't need the spreadsheet to keep track. But I'm kind of a dork about spreadsheets so I wouldn't mind updating it to include them, I'd just need some time to add that big info dump.  :grin:

And 200K prestige... wow.... I was proud to reach 100K, lol. But then I don't raid or do fps and such.

Yeah, FP and Operations trophies do add up. But as part of my overall sickness I set myself a lot of achievement goals too, like the PVP artwork, and the Kuat Driveyards artwork (Kuat took literally 1.5 years, ugh), and of course the datacron hunting. And in particular all of the reputation and special event vendors took a lot of grinding. (The amount of time I've spent killing rakghouls and Gree droids or running the Eternal Championship is enough to give me nightmares, but I think the Section X grind was even worse because of all those tedious dungeons...) But some of the best decos are tucked away in those achievements and on those vendors, so I guess it was worth it in the long run. It's just a shame they can't all be donated. :(
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline admiralnerf

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #9 on: 04/28/17, 12:19:53 PM »
Hey there!

I have a friend on Reddit who would love to get some of the Ops decos in his guild, if you could mail him in-game on one of the following characters, that would be great (best is Savaja).

Savaja (Empire)
Kiralyn (Republic)
Reyari (Republic)
Malikyra (Republic)
Mirosha (Empire)
Zulmari (Empire)

Thank you!

Offline Niarra

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #10 on: 07/04/17, 02:50:04 PM »
I have updated the original post on this thread to provide a link to my decorations spreadsheet/database, now in Google Sheets. I've finally decided to bite the bullet and make that public for the community to use. I worked on the latest overhaul to it just in the last week, so it is fully up to date with a lot of updated data variables. The original post goes into the details of how to use it, for folks who wish to - as well as the details of how/what I can offer to donate to guilds.

@admiralnerf: I am so sorry, but I didn't realize until I came here to update the post that I completely missed your reply here from back in April! Unfortunately I think it's a pretty safe bet that I will have a hard time remembering to reach out to your friend when I'm in game, since attention is usually being pulled in many directions once I log in. If you could have him put together his list and either post it here in this thread or PM it to me here on the site, I can total up donation costs and we can organize a time to meet in game to make it happen!
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #11 on: 07/04/17, 06:27:19 PM »
Thank you for sharing this as a resource! I'll be sure to give this a look through when the Manaan stronghold drops and get in touch!
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Offline Niarra

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #12 on: 08/07/17, 09:24:57 PM »
With thew new Umbara train SH coming up, just thought I'd bump this thread as a reminder that I'm happy to help with any donations for guilds.

I initially hesitated to advertise the following because I didn't want to open the door to a huge flood of traffic from outside the RP community... but then I came to my senses and realized we're probably not getting a huge amount of traffic from outside the RP community.  :umm:

So, I can also put it out there openly (rather than on the hush-hush) that I'm happy to donate the first 1 million credits' worth of donations for free per guild!

If it turns out that offer brings the crazies out of the woodwork then I can always edit this post, but in the meantime I'm happy to get any guild started on the deco gathering. Just drop me a line as explained in the initial post and we'll work things out!
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Laureline Bellard

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #13 on: 08/07/17, 10:45:30 PM »
I probably won't be the first to admit that I have spent a lot of IRL money on the cartel market to transfer into credits to pay for our Guild SH, and I have been working excessively hard to ensure my guild's stability. I am extremely grateful to my guildmates for the donations and help I've received in building our SH to its beautiful form it is today. I won't turn down an offer to assist us in getting our guild ship and/or donations for when it is up and running as every credit deposit and every decoration counts. With a donation to me comes a sworn vow that it is used for a good purpose, a guild purpose. If you would like to help us, your offer won't go unforgotten, and if you ever need assistance from us [Ashla's Chosen], we'll do our best to return the favor. <3
« Last Edit: 08/07/17, 10:48:47 PM by Medenia »

Offline admiralnerf

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Re: Offering Guild Donations of Stronghold Decorations
« Reply #14 on: 09/19/17, 07:17:07 PM »
Admiralnerf here, if we could have some donations that would be great. My discord is Admiralnerf#9647 if you want to contact me there; the items I'd like to have donated are:

Dark Eternal Throne x10

Oriconian Torch x20

Asylum Experimental Tank x10

Reclaimed Treasure of the Emperor x2

Forgotten Sith Sarcophagus x10

Zakuulan Water Sculpture x10

Generator (blue) x2

Medical Monitor x2

Sith Tomb Column Statue (x10)

Imperial Command Center x2

Slicer's Planning Table x1

Battle-Worn Republic Placard x10

Planter: Voss Shrub x20

Fountain of Blood and Fire x4

Sign: City of Zakuul (Blue) x10

Not sure what it will come out to; which are 25, 50, 75 and 100k to donate and such.

