Hiya BC!
Full confession: I've been lurking on this forum for quite awhile...and you've probably seen many iterations of me in /republicooc or /gsf, as well as at a few weekly events that run. Mostly at Ke's Tatooine paradise. Because, as I said a few weeks ago, it should be canon. I'm still working on my email to Pablo.
In any case, I am the Elariel sisters:
- Alexandra, a stubborn, play-by-the-book Sage who is primarily a physician
- Meagan, a pilot who trades illicit smuggled medical supplies to the Jedi Council, so that she can use the starship repair bays for her Pike, and also so that she can visit her sister...
- Medley, someone who is banned from Coruscant for cutting a Senator's desk in half as a result of a dispute over Belsavis. And who once crashed her Rampart into the Senate Tower. And who sees the world very differently from most.
They are the Daughters of Ela.
I also have two padawans: Sariyah, a Togruta shadow who is Medley's student, and Consonance, who *was* Alexandra's student but...well, I'll share that story one day :)
Imp side, for head-canon and story reasons, I have Aubrey Anna, a very bugged agent who can't complete story quests because my laptop hardware apparently breaks the conversations (no word of a lie...that what's customer service told me...) and Maladous, an evil Sith diplomat who is Alexandra's rival.
So after so much lurking, and driving as many RPers to this place as I could, I figured it was time register. I'm still working on my origin story for the sisters, and hope to post at least the first part soon.
See you all in game!