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  • Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!: 07/22/17

Author Topic: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!  (Read 4709 times)

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Offline Niarra

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Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« on: 07/14/17, 07:34:31 PM »
Event: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
a.k.a. Second in the Port of Call series of events
When: Saturday, July 22nd at 6:30 PM server time, with event milestones scheduled to last until 10:30 PM server time.
Where: In-game, in a Republic side guild flagship stronghold, name of Phalanx Station
Requirements: There are no IC requirements, and no rules sets needed. The event can ICly be cross-faction, but with the location being a Republic side guild SH you will unfortunately need to have a Pub side alt version of an Imp character if you want to attend. Wish it weren't so, but them's the game limitations...
Hosts: Myself and @Dassalya are the hosts, with some NPC contributions from friendly faces. We will keep an eye on Republicooc for anyone calling for invites, but please note that the stronghold will be publicly listed on the Flagship directory on Republic Fleet (as Phalanx Station), and the directory may be the easiest way to get there on your own time (since the hosts will have a lot of RP interactions duties as part of the event and may miss chat requests for an invite).

Attention all fans of the Frogdogs, and Huttball in general! For this night, and this night only, legendary Frogdog superstar Cirisp "Crispy" Pellaeon will be visiting the station and signing autographs in the Acid Pit cantina! If you've ever wanted to rub shoulders with your Huttball hero, this is the night! We all remember that notoriously fatal match where Pellaeon earned his nickname by running through the flame jets not once but twice to win the 'Dogs the championship! Come and gawk at Crispy's burn scars, get your free Scarlet Smashers (one drink per customer), and prepare yourself for participation in a contest that might win you one of Crispy Pellaeon's own uniforms, personally autographed for you on the chestguard plate!

See the bottom of the post for the events of the evening!

Port of Call
Another night of scum, mild villainy, Huttball, blood sport, bargain shopping, drinking, socializing, bounty hunting, war story swapping, and still pretending to be above board...

Setting: (Same as the last time!)

Independent operators braving the hyperlanes on "delivery" runs through all those sectors along the Treaty line know very well how lawless such stars can be. At the edges of Republic and Imperial power, finding safe harbor to refuel, trade, make connections, or just buy a decent drink can be difficult to manage. But those enterprising freelancers who usually find themselves operating more deeply on the Republic side of the line have been hearing, for the last few years, about Phalanx Station - a good port of call for those who want to stay under the radar, but not find themselves running afoul of the Hutts or the authorities. 

Located in the Mytaranor sector, a few systems deep into Republic space, Phalanx Station has developed a reputation as a solid port, adequately defended against pirates, and generally provisioned well enough to meet a spacer's restocking needs. The station's Republic roots go beyond just its physical location, if rumors are to be believed; it's said Phalanx Station was founded by a group of Republic commandos who turned their backs on the Republic during Saresh's rule, and mercenary and bounty hunting types especially have been spreading the word that old war hands looking for a place to lay down their heads and their kit while they forge a new life out of uniform should head to Phalanx. Imperials, on the other hand, are advised to watch their backs, but not even these rumors or the station's location can fully stop independent operators who like to keep friends on both sides of the Treaty line; all savvy spacers know that strategically irrelevant border systems don't get a lot of bureaucratic attention, and that an Imperial-minded visitor is likely to be able to conduct their business on Phalanx just fine so long as they don't go waving the flag.

But despite the station's reputation as a stable haven where the owners are known to enforce some rule of law, those who make it their business to know what the galactic underworld is up to have heard rumors of their own - rumors that behind Phalanx Station's gruff ex-military owners there might be shadowy figures with their hands on the pulse - and finances - of the station's operations. The most consistent of these rumors implicate the Exchange as the station's shadow operators, and more than a few smugglers can confirm that on visits to Phalanx they've brokered jobs to move everything from food stuffs to luxury items to weapons. The only prohibited merchandise on the station seems to be slaves (and many have speculated as to why, given the Exchange's history otherwise).

But despite this supposed Exchange presence on the station, everyone seems to agree there's considerably more security to be found aboard Phalanx than one might expect in Hutt space these days. And in the aftermath of Zakuul's withdrawal, a stable port of call is a welcome thing indeed for the weary freelancer looking for a patch job on their ship, their blasters, or even their limbs.

Phalanx Station is known to boast the following amenities:
  • A bustling bazaar, including some of the liveliest auctions to be found in this or any neighboring sector
  • The greasiest and most fortifying foodstuffs a hungry spacer could ask for, served up on the promenade
  • Public HoloNet terminal and kiosk access
  • The Acid Pit cantina, where Huttball fans can watch the match broadcasts while pounding their toxic sludge of choice
  • A flophouse and storage facilities for the itinerant blaster-for-hire or disillusioned veteran
  • A BBA chapterhouse, for delivery of acquisitions and stocking up on the latest in seeker droid technologies
  • A medical clinic, known for its modest fees and modest services (but sometimes modest is all you need to stave off the Void)
  • Rumors speak to an exclusive gambling circuit that is attracting some high roller attention, although supposedly participation is by invitation only
  • The Proving Grounds. Arguably the station's main attraction, where some of the most exciting prize fights in the quadrant can be found. Whether you're looking to see man, droid, or beast in action, you're likely to find a good match to wager on here.

Events of the Event that may prove Eventful:

Folks are welcome to wander around the station and strike up their RP wherever they'd like! No one is obligated to move with the timeline of the events, they are just there for those who find the subjects intriguing.

Rubbing Shoulders and Pounding Drinks: From 6:30 to 7:30 server time, while people trickle in, most activity will be centered in the market bazaar and the promenade food court. Socialize, grab some drinks, and prepare for shady dealings, Huttball, and bloodsport to come later... (i.e., this is an early hour for those who just want to free form RP for a while before the events get started)

Shopping for Bargains and Bidding Wars: From 7:30 to 8:30 server time, an auction will be held in the bazaar. Anyone wanting to peruse the bazaar for bargain items before the auction starts is free to do so, as it's open all hours. But if you're looking to be surprised by unique, questionable, shady, or exciting deals, come see what the galaxy's treasure hunters have brought to Phalanx for auction, and be ready to bid! (Bids are IC.)

Huttball Heroes! A Night in the Cantina with "Crispy" Pellaeon: From 8:30 to 9:30 server time, stop by the Acid Pit cantina to watch replays of the most famous Huttball matches and get a chance to actually meet legendary Frogdog superstar Cirisp "Crispy" Pellaeon. Those brave enough to get a taste of what it might be like to carry an actual Huttball (with all the risk that implies) and show their grit in a friendly contest may - if you win! - walk away with one of Crispy Pellaeon's very own Frogdog uniforms, with a personalized autograph on the chestplate just for you.

Bets and Blood: From 9:30 to 10:30 server time, stop by the Proving Grounds arena to watch men, beasts, and machines battle for your entertainment. The Creature Keeper and the Iron Ghost will be pitting their teams against each other once again, but this time the Proving Grounds is also open to dueling applicants! Have a friend who lost a bet and needs to face you in the ring? Have a rival with whom you want to settle a dispute in an honorable way? Tonight's the night!!! Just remember: no fatalities allowed!!

OOC Rules for participating in the Proving Grounds: We're allotting time for two player duels at this evening's event. We're just providing the stage, all the rest is up to you. If you want to duel, please sign up with your dueling partner (meaning we're not going to match you up, work it out with a buddy first), and just let us know what system you plan to use so we can get a sense of how long it will take. System/rules are totally up to you; this can be just RP, or rolls, or whatever you like, just make sure you and your partner have agreed on the rules set ahead of time and are ready to go! Sign up by commenting in this thread. (The next Port of Call event will be focused on the Proving Grounds and we'll have more structured dueling rules, but for this one we're just opening it up for anyone who wants to come and play in the ring in their own way and under their own initiative.)
« Last Edit: 07/17/17, 03:38:31 PM by Niarra »
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Sebrik

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #1 on: 07/14/17, 07:48:55 PM »
Would love to come again, but July 29th is Hannith's giveaway event on the fleet. 

Offline Niarra

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #2 on: 07/14/17, 08:01:51 PM »
Would love to come again, but July 29th is Hannith's giveaway event on the fleet.

I've never been to one of Hannith's give-aways so I don't know how long they take, but the Port of Call event is scheduled for four hours so hopefully you'll be able to make at least some of it!

Unfortunately there's really no way to move the date on this one. This Saturday had RL conflicts for the hosts, next Saturday is Zmaj's Empire Day, the first Saturday of August is our Ops group run, and the Saturday after that there are RL conflicts for the hosts again. So July the 29th it needs to be!  :umm:
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Mei

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #3 on: 07/14/17, 08:04:51 PM »
Ooh, I missed the first one, so I hope to catch some of part 2!
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Offline Ela

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #4 on: 07/14/17, 08:34:49 PM »
*Medley eyes the event notice and places an order for extra-explosive mines for her Rampart...*

Haha...I think I need to make a new character for this (awesome) event...
@>~~~ SONG SQUADRON ~~~<@

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Offline Sebrik

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #5 on: 07/14/17, 08:54:43 PM »
Would love to come again, but July 29th is Hannith's giveaway event on the fleet.

I've never been to one of Hannith's give-aways so I don't know how long they take, but the Port of Call event is scheduled for four hours so hopefully you'll be able to make at least some of it!

Unfortunately there's really no way to move the date on this one. This Saturday had RL conflicts for the hosts, next Saturday is Zmaj's Empire Day, the first Saturday of August is our Ops group run, and the Saturday after that there are RL conflicts for the hosts again. So July the 29th it needs to be!  :umm:

Usually goes on for 3-5 hours.  Oh well.  Make it a fun one!

Offline Seraphie

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #6 on: 07/14/17, 09:00:29 PM »
I'll probably do some bits of hopping between this and Hannith's event! Glad you're having another one!

Offline Zmaj

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #7 on: 07/14/17, 09:35:58 PM »
@Niarra If you'd like you can move it! I knew switching Empire Day to weekends might conflict with bigger events, so I have no problem shuffling. We can always hold Empire Day earlier in the AM or the following Saturday.
« Last Edit: 07/15/17, 02:00:10 PM by Zmaj »
Zmaj: 32, Chiss agent, lover of intrigue wine
Caesiallus: 34, Twi'lek bartender, info-broker
Varinas: 40, Human Darth, archivist, former "diplomat"

Seem: 38, Rattataki Jedi Master, resident grump
Vashya'ati: 34, Togruta Jedi Sage, small-time archaeologist
Ash'tana: 32, Miraluka smuggler, trouble-finder extraordinaire

Offline recoveringgeek

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #8 on: 07/15/17, 12:53:53 AM »
So July the 29th it needs to be!  :umm:



Have fun.
I knew some of the Palace history, but not the bit about Jaade crashing that barge. That's good lore, right there.  :grin:

Offline Niarra

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #9 on: 07/17/17, 03:38:13 PM »
@Zmaj has been kind enough to offer to swap days with us, so Port of Call: And the Winner Is...! will now be taking place this Saturday, July 22nd. Otherwise all of the same timestamps for the event apply; see the first post on this thread.

Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Seraphie

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #10 on: 07/17/17, 06:34:33 PM »
Hmmm.... I'll still be away and on Atlantic time. I'll make what I can until I start falling asleep!

Offline recoveringgeek

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #11 on: 07/17/17, 09:24:34 PM »
@Zmaj has been kind enough to offer to swap days with us, so Port of Call: And the Winner Is...! will now be taking place this Saturday, July 22nd.

To @Zmaj, @Niarra, and @Dassalya;

I knew some of the Palace history, but not the bit about Jaade crashing that barge. That's good lore, right there.  :grin:

Offline Niarra

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #12 on: 07/19/17, 05:19:03 PM »
Bets and Blood: From 9:30 to 10:30 server time, stop by the Proving Grounds arena to watch men, beasts, and machines battle for your entertainment. The Creature Keeper and the Iron Ghost will be pitting their teams against each other once again, but this time the Proving Grounds is also open to dueling applicants! Have a friend who lost a bet and needs to face you in the ring? Have a rival with whom you want to settle a dispute in an honorable way? Tonight's the night!!! Just remember: no fatalities allowed!!

OOC Rules for participating in the Proving Grounds: We're allotting time for two player duels at this evening's event. We're just providing the stage, all the rest is up to you. If you want to duel, please sign up with your dueling partner (meaning we're not going to match you up, work it out with a buddy first), and just let us know what system you plan to use so we can get a sense of how long it will take. System/rules are totally up to you; this can be just RP, or rolls, or whatever you like, just make sure you and your partner have agreed on the rules set ahead of time and are ready to go! Sign up by commenting in this thread. (The next Port of Call event will be focused on the Proving Grounds and we'll have more structured dueling rules, but for this one we're just opening it up for anyone who wants to come and play in the ring in their own way and under their own initiative.)

Just a reminder that if anyone wants to duel in the arena as part of the above of this weekend's Port of Call event, drop us a line here indicating the two characters who will be dueling and what system you plan to use to resolve it. (Just so we can estimate approximately how long you expect your duel might take.)
Niarra Reymark, Jedi Master and Diplomat // Derrad Reymark, Starfighter Ace and Softie // Jheva, Jedi Knight and Pattern Reader // Yatei, Jedi Knight and Pilot // Zelek Arr, Jedi Master and Corn Grower
Rannayel, Sith Lord and Museum Curator
Erran Veshkgalaar, Mandalorian Accountant // Caustrin Neyvor, Dangerous Puppeteer // Ariza Fey, Psycho and Pyro // Kettur Vaen, Semi-Spook

Offline Cyone

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #13 on: 07/20/17, 01:09:14 AM »
I would absolutely love to go to this, and even enter in the duels, actually, but alas, I will have a nine hour travel day starting at 4:00 AM Central on the 23rd, so... :umm:
« Last Edit: 07/20/17, 01:18:16 AM by Cyone »

Offline LVT

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Re: Port of Call: And the Winner Is...!
« Reply #14 on: 07/21/17, 11:17:19 PM »
I could have totally made Sunday, but Saturday I'm unfortunately very busy.
Turari (29, Major, jr. grade CEDF)     Silivia Fenir (21, Freighter Captain)
Lashila Sellara (25, Grey Sith)         Harkasone Milan (29, Philanthropist)
Reill Farr(31, Silent Mandalorian)     Mystenin Felsa (26, 'Green' Jedi)
Touko Saizar(19, Turari's underling) Temple Guard #124(35, Pro Spook)
                                                    Freya Merril (?, ???)


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