The Wraiths had a detailed plot against darker elements of Sareesh's SIS and military apparatus during the zakuul invasion. our attempts to help the Senate initially expose it got us exiled, although we later worked through journalists and secret allies in the Senate, Jedi and Deep Core Empress Teta kingdom to clear out names and help get some of Sareesh's top lackeys exiled or arrested, just before she went after the Outlander. We played that that move was out of desparation because Senate investigations were zeroing in on her.
So basically that plot wrapped, and Madon is officially pro-reform. but it's possible certain black projects went underground- in particular we played with remnants of the Sixth Line Jedi being groomed into a fascist secret police under Saresh codenamed Protectors after most masters went into hiding the first yesr of invasion and she got her hands on orphaned students. there were also several specific incidents like a data dump we got from anti-Saresh SIS agents, and sentient Rights violations against protesters on Duro and other war torn worlds. we also played out in detail something hinted in the codex, that an attempt to arrest her by senior military leaders was a trap that got many arrested- the Wraiths were one of the few fleets to escape from that, faking our deaths with isotope 5 experimental drive accident.