Short answer? None that I know of, at least none that are exclusively bounty hunter-focused. That being said, my knowledge of the current overall state of things is somewhat limited, particularly after the merger.
What I can tell you is there is still plenty of RP to be had, and for bounty hunters as well!
@Dassalya and I host a weekly "Independents Night" event on Rishi on Mondays, and folks ought to gather at that even when we're not around. "Independents" in this case being a broad descriptor generally meaning characters that are not directly or primarily faction-oriented or are linked to causes other than the Republic and the Empire—though those that are are also welcome to turn up, it's just more geared toward the former. That tends to be a gathering of rough-types, like bounty bunters, that may be well suited to you! Also in the list as far as good weekly RP to be had is the infamous Dancer's Palace, a weekly cantina event held on Fridays at an open stronghold to which you can receive invites easily through the RepublicOOC or ImperialOOC channels in-game, or by looking at the public listings for "Minette's Stronghold."
Dancer's is a good place to meet people and make connections, and if you're looking for a guild/group to join I'd say you ought to try your luck poking around there! Otherwise there is a Satele Shan community Discord you can be added to where you can advertise to the broader post-merger server.
Lastly, I'll throw out there that I am actually the de-facto in-game placeholder leader for a pair of mirror guilds that form the Krayt's Jaw Cartel, whose actual leadership lies in semi-absentee but still active roleplayers
@ThyssenKrupp and
@Cirsei. The former of those can describe with more concise accuracy than I what the guild is all about, and if you're interested perhaps you could find a place there with us, all parties willing!