Man... too many pieces to want right now!
I am willing to pay for all of this stuff I just doubt I'm able to pay what the GTN Prices on some or all of them are going to be... *crosses fingers some of it is cheaper*
But Karmic now lookin' for:
Nomadic Gunslinger Helmet GOT IT
(nothing else, the coat has that thing on it... boo)
Ardent Oracle's Body Armor
Ardent Oracle's Boots
Ardent Oracles Gauntlets (SALSA SLEEVES!
Yea that's it - Karmic needs not pants or the rest of the set.
And they finally...years after its initial release back 'in'da'day' made a black/solid set of the awesome Sith armors - without the damn glacier crystal things... FINALLY. So saying... I now want..
Chaotic Force Master's Vestments
Chaotic Force Master's Boots
Chaotic Force Master's SashI kept the old sets, so the rest works the same as what's up for grabs. The only major differences being those three pieces; they changed the bottom robes out to match another set already released (that I already have).
Guerrilla Tactician's BOOTS! (got'em, thanks Pehn!)