Author Topic: Custodum Council II: The Counciling  (Read 13202 times)

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Offline Iaera

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Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« on: 01/26/18, 02:52:40 PM »
I recently polled the members of Custodum about a potential return of the Custodum Council to help deal with the current volume and flow of RP going on in Jedi-land. I won't get into the whys and wheres of that here, because I instead want to pose a different question to the wider community.

Given that BioWare has given us a rather frustrating galactic world-state, with mutually incompatible storylines and characters and very little information about what the heck is going on in the wake of Zakuul's defeat, we have a rather awkward situation for general galactic RP in terms of figuring out what the backdrop of our various plots, schemes, and arcs is. And it occurred to me that if Custodum does restore its own internal Council a la the old days, there might be an interesting opportunity here: We could, in our own small, Jedi-centric way, help provide some sense of structure and stability to our general RP community.

By having a small Council of Jedi Masters actively providing a body of authority in at least one segment of the galaxy, we'd once again have something other RP could orbit around coherently. People could refer to the Custodum Council, focus on them as potential allies or enemies or rivals, progress various plots that require an authority in the Republic or among the Jedi, and so on (in addition to forwarding internal Custodum stuff as well, which is another topic going on within the guild). Normally, I would not suggest a player-character body be so central to community RP, but in the past we've always had NPC authority figures like Satele Shan, the Supreme Chancellor, the Dark Council, etc to rely upon to provide us a structured framework. Now we don't really have those things, at least not in any coherent sense, so I think it might actually be valuable to have a few PCs we can poke and prod at as in-character authority figures.

So my question to everyone is: What do you think? Do you think something like this would be useful? Could it help your RP, and if so, how can we help make that happen? Was there anything about the old Custodum Council you didn't like, and would want to see changed?
retired ~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline Seraphie

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #1 on: 01/26/18, 03:26:06 PM »
I would love this! I remember the old Custodum Council days and would love to regain some semblance of structured authority anywhere in the community pub side!

My one suggestion (well, so far, I may come up with others later) would be that the Custodum may want to distance itself from the Republic itself, with all the chaos, confusion, all that went on with Saresh, how the Jedi got treated, etc. etc. etc. From an IC perspective I think it would be justifiable. From an OOC perspective I think it would be easier. It also means that anyone who really doesn't want this authoritative structure within their Jedi rp can just be very Republic-loyal or very focused on Tython and rebuilding the Order or something of the sort. As such, I'd suggest that maybe the Custodum wants to re-establish itself -not- on Coruscant, nor on Tython, but somewhere maybe less Republic central. Not saying that the Custodum wouldn't still be working with the Republic, but maybe not so completely integrated into it. My five cents worth at least.

Offline Noth

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #2 on: 01/26/18, 05:19:03 PM »
My one suggestion (well, so far, I may come up with others later) would be that the Custodum may want to distance itself from the Republic itself, with all the chaos, confusion, all that went on with Saresh, how the Jedi got treated, etc. etc. etc.

This is not going to happen. Custodum is and has been focused on providing traditional, orthodox Jedi RP, and that includes an official relationship with the Republic and the Galactic Senate. We've even had members revolving their characters plots, recently, around mending relationships between the Jedi and the Republic. It's not a piece of lore we're about to discard. If someone else wants to step up and provide structure for the community outside of Republic-oriented RP, that would be neat and I am 100% for it, but it's outside the Custodum's guild theme and goals.

Which... is actually a good idea. If other groups wanted to step up and provide similar structures to what the Custodum can provide for Republic and Jedi RP, but for other factions and goals, that would go a long way to healing Schrodinger's Galaxy for the rest of the universe as well. But... We need the people for that, and it's maybe a topic for another thread.
The Jedi: Bren (Archaeologist), Iirim (Healer), Zorru (Recruiter), Orans (Master), Aybekk (Padawan)
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Offline Miller

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #3 on: 01/26/18, 05:43:38 PM »
Ah, I'll echo my thoughts from the original thread here, to keep the ball rolling!

The Council, in it's original incarnation, was awesome. It made the Custodum so... Believable, as a real, highly regarded, Jedi Enclave. The RP that was both born of the council, and the RP that already existed and was brought before the council, were both, far and away, absolutely amazing. It's such an organic part of the Custodum experience, and lends itself to a clearly defined (here comes that word again) structure.

The way the Custodum has existed during the time of the Zakuul trite was actually pretty logical - it, like the Order itself, was disorganized, sorely lacking in present members, and an all around mess (IC that is, and it really was appropriate for the state of the world). Now that the Zakuul trite has concluded, Iaera has it entirely right, we find ourselves in a criminally under-developed world-state. Taking the defibs to the Council will give us some definition, some semblance to how things were before the Zakuul TRITE.

Naturally, I'm in favor, and relative to the first Custodum Council, I wouldn't change much. It was a a governing body, surely, but not the only authority in the world. They gave missions, but never stepped on toes or forced anything onto anybody. Wisdom and guidance, but usually not (unless in extreme cases), absolute decisions. It was a great iteration of a "ruling body", and I'm giddy for its return.
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Offline SquigglyV

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #4 on: 01/26/18, 05:49:39 PM »
I like the idea, it seems like a great way to have some sort of authority ICly without having to worry about taking over actual canon roles like the primary Jedi Council.

I was trying to think of how to do something similar imp-side recently, but it seems impossible to do without potentially stepping on a lot of toes and overstepping many boundaries due to how the Sith function. :/ So I guess you Jedi types are lucky!

Offline Noth

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #5 on: 01/26/18, 05:57:58 PM »
I was trying to think of how to do something similar imp-side recently, but it seems impossible to do without potentially stepping on a lot of toes and overstepping many boundaries due to how the Sith function. :/ So I guess you Jedi types are lucky!

Agreed. :( Was just lamenting how I don't really have anything to do with my Imp toons, because they're not main toons enough to merit putting a lot of work into building individual stories for them, but there's also a lack of any story unity or structure to play them off of otherwise. Something similar for Republic military types and the criminal underworld would be great as well.

*shakes fist at Bioware* :rage:
The Jedi: Bren (Archaeologist), Iirim (Healer), Zorru (Recruiter), Orans (Master), Aybekk (Padawan)
The Politicians: Varooth (Senator), Seirion (Aide/Spy), Ayrak (King)
The Mandos: Urziya (Rallymaster), Terr (Chieftain)
The Outlaws: Telen (Slicer), Majia (Pirate/Smuggler)
The Imperials: Athuuna (Agent), Zhekrazh (Lord), Z'ridia (Apprentice)

Offline Auryn

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #6 on: 01/26/18, 06:42:24 PM »
 :lightside: I think it's a great idea, especially distancing the Council from the Republic somewhat considering their questionable leadership and directions as of late. It felt really cool back in the day that we were kinda our own thing, working separately from the main 'IC' Council. Both IC and OOC I'm sure a lot of RPers would be more comfortable having that guiding body in place again, most especially if we established a main canon around the Custodum.

 :darkside: Echoing @SquigglyV 's mention, it'd help to do something similar Impside too (I've heard Impside RP is pretty fractured nowadays), but I imagine much harder and tends to end up a little more toxic. Either way, probs check with @Dorian and @Dassalya first before taking my word as permission, but Valefor did spend a lot of time and effort back in the day creating a stunning space for Imp RP out of our guild SH, which sits sadly mostly empty now.
(Sorry, don't want to derail, should probably create another thread for that!)

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It was of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

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Offline Noth

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #7 on: 01/26/18, 06:59:06 PM »
:darkside: Echoing @SquigglyV 's mention, it'd help to do something similar Impside too (I've heard Impside RP is pretty fractured nowadays), but I imagine much harder and tends to end up a little more toxic. Either way, probs check with @Dorian and @Dassalya first before taking my word as permission, but Valefor did spend a lot of time and effort back in the day creating a stunning space for Imp RP out of our guild SH, which sits sadly mostly empty now.
(Sorry, don't want to derail, should probably create another thread for that!)

Dass and I have been running a plot that could totally end in that being official Imp RP space if @Dassalya and @Dorian are okay with it.

But just to reiterate, the Jedi Custodum is not going to go rogue from the Republic. Distancing from them isn't really the goal here. We did that during the Eternal Empire, fighting for the people Republic against the Republic government's wishes, and are now doing plots about mending bridges and going back to Jedi roots. It's opposite our guild theme and the individual plots of current guild membership to ditch the idea of providing a place for prequel-style Republic-aligned Jedi RP. Out of all the things we might change about our setup, being officially tied to the Republic is not one of them. If someone wants to start up their own non-Republic organization, that's fine, but it's not where the Custodum is headed.

Perhaps we can split that off into a separate thread about providing RP for non-Jedi/non-Republic factions? Keep the focus on stuff we could change or include in a Custodum Council but is still within the guild's theme of Republic Jedi RP.
The Jedi: Bren (Archaeologist), Iirim (Healer), Zorru (Recruiter), Orans (Master), Aybekk (Padawan)
The Politicians: Varooth (Senator), Seirion (Aide/Spy), Ayrak (King)
The Mandos: Urziya (Rallymaster), Terr (Chieftain)
The Outlaws: Telen (Slicer), Majia (Pirate/Smuggler)
The Imperials: Athuuna (Agent), Zhekrazh (Lord), Z'ridia (Apprentice)

Offline Ela

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #8 on: 01/26/18, 07:16:14 PM »
I like this idea :) It would work really well with Medley not only because of her vulnerability to the Dread Masters and their legacy, but also because she could use some stern guidance every once in awhile...before she like, turns into a Vaylin...
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Offline Dorian

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #9 on: 01/27/18, 01:17:44 AM »
I was tagged, thus I have been summoned. I'm cool with you guys using the SH.

Offline Hawking

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #10 on: 01/27/18, 04:20:11 AM »
This could also facilitate the return of the infamous Custodum Council Chambers Thread, which was a masterfully useful tool in facilitating key plot points or whatever on the fly. If someone(s) was unable to be in-game at a given time or for an extended period, but was still needing to move things along, it was often as simple as doing a quick play-by-play over the course of a few days.


-Hawking Shatari, Wandering Warrior
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Offline Auryn

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #11 on: 01/27/18, 09:16:19 AM »
But just to reiterate, the Jedi Custodum is not going to go rogue from the Republic. Distancing from them isn't really the goal here. We did that during the Eternal Empire, fighting for the people Republic against the Republic government's wishes, and are now doing plots about mending bridges and going back to Jedi roots. It's opposite our guild theme and the individual plots of current guild membership to ditch the idea of providing a place for prequel-style Republic-aligned Jedi RP. Out of all the things we might change about our setup, being officially tied to the Republic is not one of them. If someone wants to start up their own non-Republic organization, that's fine, but it's not where the Custodum is headed.

Perhaps we can split that off into a separate thread about providing RP for non-Jedi/non-Republic factions? Keep the focus on stuff we could change or include in a Custodum Council but is still within the guild's theme of Republic Jedi RP.

Oh, let me be more specific - I didn't mean to say the Custodum should go rogue with the comment of 'distancing itself from the Republic'. I was seeing it more as subtle and political, i.e. 'not available for comment' when asked for their opinion on current events, and focusing more on the people of the Republic than the 'helping govern' side. Still in alignment, just taking careful note of the upheaval and not wanting to appear to condone any grey-ish courses of direction.

Custodum Council Chambers Thread was always a fun read! Loved checking who's head was the latest on the chopping block, gwheheheh :evil:
My drawing was not of a hat.
It was of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

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Offline Ela

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #12 on: 01/27/18, 10:07:13 AM »
Custodum Council Chambers Thread was always a fun read! Loved checking who's head was the latest on the chopping block, gwheheheh :evil:

Medley wishes to withdraw her support for this whole “Jedi discipline” idea.
@>~~~ SONG SQUADRON ~~~<@

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Offline Iaera

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #13 on: 01/27/18, 10:47:39 AM »
it's just a light beheading don't freak out
retired ~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline Iaera

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Re: Custodum Council II: The Counciling
« Reply #14 on: 01/27/18, 11:01:02 AM »
On a more serious note... it seems like people are mostly in favour of something like this going forward. If there are any objections, do let me know, though!

As for distancing from the Republic... I generally stand by Noth here. While there is RP potential in staying away from Coruscant/Republicness, that's both been partially tapped already by the Zakuul arc and (as Noth has pointed out) diametrically opposed to some of the core, internal RP going on in Custodum. In terms of being involved in politics and the galactic structures of the Republic itself, I think that sort of thing comes down to the individual Jedi. Despite Custodum's pro-Republic, pro-orthodoxy theme, I have always tried to maintain some space for people to play Jedi Knights who are a little more roguish, a little more off-the-beaten-track.

I agree with the ideas posed about keeping RP Knight-driven, not Council-driven, and have no desire to take agency away from self-motivated Knight characters pushing RP around. In that spirit, individual Knights (and to a lesser extent, padawans) can pursue their agendas vis-a-vis the Republic in whatever respect they want. Even individual Masters on the Council might have different relationships with Republic authority, so I don't foresee any problems with people who want to take their RP away from Senate politics or whatever!

I'll begin poking and prodding a few people to lay the groundwork here, unless there are any objections or concerns at this point. I'll update everyone once there's something to update with!
retired ~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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