@Niarra , tagging you! Interested?
Normally I would say yes, but for the time being I am afraid I am completely overwhelmed with other Game Mastering / Guild Mastering / RP (and even occasionally the rarely squeezed in RL) commitments. I am trying to remind myself I need to learn how to realistically assess my available time.
At some point in the future, when some of these commitments are completed, I may have time opening up again, and if folks are still trying to organize or plan PVE runs I will keep an eye out and help when and as I can.
When (and
if, IF) that time comes, I also might consider reviving the BC.org Community Operations runs I tried to organize last year. Unfortunately, as other commitments took some of our team members elsewhere (inevitable, that's just life), in the end we just didn't end up having enough interested community members willing to commit to the project on an ongoing basis to keep the group running. However, since that time, quite a few folks have come back to SWTOR, so it may be that that could change. Anyone who is interested in learning how to run Ops and seeing all of the game's Ops content might want to take a peek at
my old thread on that project from last year. Any of the posts after the original post aren't necessary reading as they were just (now irrelevant) volunteering/scheduling talk for the time, but if I were ever to try to resurrect the project everything I laid out in the original post would still stand. If we have new or newly returned community members genuinely interested, there's no harm in throwing a quick post up on that old thread. In the event it ends up being a project with a realistic chance of being resurrected, it would be good to know which still-active community members might be interested.
Sorry I can't be of immediate help with your Dread Masters project! Good luck, though, and have fun! Some of those fights are really very interesting, some of the more mechanically varied in the game. You'll definitely want to make sure someone has read up on the mechanics before you head in (unless part of what you're going for in the experience is learning things purely through trial and error, which can be entertaining but certainly more time consuming).