BC.org Republic Operations
Current Operation: Karagga's Palace (Story Mode)
Location: The entrance to the Operation is located on the fleet. From the main Carrick Station roundabout, go to "Mission Departures", select "Interfleet Transport", go to the Gav Daragon, go to the elevator and select "Gav Daragon Mission Deck", then to the "Hutta Operations Hangar".
Given the interest in Operations displayed
in other threads, we're starting up an organized Republic Operations Group! The intent is for this group to meet weekly on
Sundays at
6pm server time. We're starting small and easy, to try and ramp things up: the group will start by going through the original content. This is both to help folks get used to raids who might not be, but also to give folks who are simply looking to see the story of these Operations a chance.
Almost all previous-tier operations are easy-peasy to complete by anyone who's finished the Shadow of Revan expansion, and so the first couple will be really basic and probably eye-roll worthy to some folks. That's okay. This group will catch up fairly quickly to current (or at least something challenging) content for comms benefits and progression, but not to start off.
What We'll NeedWe need at least 8 people to show up. Without 8 people, it's a no fly game, and we'll likely split off to do a Hard Mode Flashpoint or something similar. If enough people show up, we'll march into 16-man mode.
While everyone will be able to look sideways at most of the early stuff and it will die, we will still be exercising the need for 2 Tanks and 2 Healers when doing the early content, since part of the point is to help folks learn for the real deal.
Please indicate your role in the sign-up above.
What You’ll NeedIf you've finished Shadow of Revan, you're laughably overgeared for quite a few of the first ops this group will run. If you're level 60 but haven't done Shadow of Revan - you're STILL laughably overgeared for the content. If you're level 55 and wearing nothing but a pink tutu... Chances are you're still overgeared, but we'll carry you through. Point is, gear is
probably not a concern.
We are also requesting that those whom participate access the Begeren Colony
Raidcall. This helps us communicate and ensures that the raid runs smoothly. You don't need to have a mic (though obviously it helps), you just need to be able to listen. Most of the explanation of fights and mechanics and a lot of how-to tips will be available there.
Is This For Me?The short answer is "yes"!
These operations groups have four main goals:
- To have fun playing the game with our friends *
- To acquire decorations from operations
- To give people who are interested in the stories behind an operation a chance to actually see them
- To build a BC.org raiding group that is able to participate in current content
If you're curious about your class, want to see some end-game stories without the stress of messing up the operation, or just want to help your friends have a bit of fun while playing Star Wars: The Old Republic,
these operations groups are for you!
* In the interest of facilitating newer PVEers, if you're CRAZY geared or already bored with old content, bear with us. Come anyway to help out those less experienced. Know we will be getting there.